10.JOSEPH IN EGYPT [Surah Yusuf 12:20-22]

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20. And they sold him for a cheap price, a number of coins, and they were to him of not very eager.

21. And he from Egypt who bought him said to his wife “Make his stay comfortable, perhaps he will be of benefit to us or we will take him as a son”. And thus did We establish Yusuf in the land and We taught him the interpretation of events. And Allah has full Power
over his affair but most of mankind do not know”.

22. And when he reached his maturity We gave him Wisdom and Knowledge. That is how we reward the muhsineen.

In these verses, we will learn what happened with Yusuf (AS) when the caravan people took him away. This young child who was the most beloved son of a prophet of Allah (swt). Now he was only a mere slave. Why would Allah (swt) place this noble child in such a situation? Because He (swt) is the Best of Planners. Allah always has a plan for those whom He is pleased with, and in the end, He (swt) will give them the very best. All that you have to do is trust in Allah (swt) and remember Him (swt).

The caravan traders did not keep Yusuf (AS) for a long time. They wanted to get rid of him (as) as soon as possible because they knew that they had taken a free child as a slave when they had no right to do so. They feared that they might be discovered for the evil that they had done. So they sold him (as) for a cheap price. When something comes to you easy, it is very easy for you to let it go. However when you have to strive and work hard to get something then you know it’s true value. Yusuf (AS) came to these caravan traders for free because he was a stolen merchandise, so they were willing to sell him for a very low price. They did not realize that they had someone who was so special with them. They did not know that they had a future prophet of Allah (swt) with them.

The man who purchased Yusuf was at the rank of 'Aziz, meaning noble minister and one level below the king. If Allah had willed, he would have gone to a hard labor camp or the field or have been in very horrible circumstances, but Allah put him in the palace of the minister who sees in this child something special and something great.

Then Allah (swt) says “And We taught him the interpretation of events.” Allah (swt) taught Yusuf (AS) the interpretation of dreams or events. Thus whenever anyone would tell Yusuf (AS) about a dream that they had or an event that happened to them then Yusuf (AS) would be able to tell them the meaning behind it. This was a special gift that Allah (swt) conferred upon Yusuf (AS because of his righteousness.

Yusuf spent a decade or more, and when he reached his adulthood in the house of the Minister, Allah made him a prophet. Why was Yusuf (AS) endowed with Prophethood? What was it that he (AS) did that made him worthy of this special honor? It was only because he was among those who had Ihsan. The Prophet (PBUH) has said that Ihsan is to worship and serve Allah (swt) as though you see Him (swt). It is a state that you reach where you are aware of Allah (swt) for every moment of your existence. It is almost as if you can see Allah (swt) and even if you do not see Him (swt) then you are certain that He (swt) Sees you. This was how Yusuf (AS) was and this is why Allah (swt) chose him (as) for Prophethood. Yusuf (AS) was not just someone who believed in Allah (swt) and not just someone who worshipped Allah (swt), but he (as) was someone who was conscious of Allah (swt) for every waking moment of his life.


1. We should not become distraught or disheartened when trials and calamities befall us. Whatever difficulty that you may be going through in your life at this moment, you have to realize that it is nothing compared to what this young child went through. If this young child can have patience with the Decree of Allah (swt) then so can you. So if you are a sincere believer in Allah (swt) and you try your best to please Him (swt) then realize that there is good in every calamity that befalls you. Allah (swt) has reserved for you something great, and these trials are only the preparation for that.

2. Allah (swt) does not always touch a person with only misery and sadness. Rather Allah (swt) gives people days of good fortune and days of darkness as He (swt) see fit. So you should expect that at some moments of your life you will be pleased and other moments may be difficult. This life is nothing but being patient through the difficult moments and being thankful for the good ones. Patient and thankful only for Allah (swt).

3. Imagine how painful it must have been at age 7, not only to have been torn from his family and sold into slavery - but to have his family do it! How easy it would have been to become embittered and hate-filled like his brothers. But it didn't happen to Yusuf. He didn't mourn his disappointment but became useful where he was.

4. Allah (swt) will confer gifts upon us, and He (swt) will grant us knowledge if we are among those whom He (swt) is pleased with. If you make a sincere effort to please Allah (swt) then there is no limit to the gifts and the bounties that He (swt) will confer upon you.

5. Allah has full Control over all affairs. He (swt) took Yusuf (AS) from that dark and lonely well and placed him (as) in this comfortable home. The destinies of people are in the complete control of Allah (swt), and He (swt) does what He (swt) pleases to whom He (swt) pleases. The brothers left Yusuf (as) alone in that well to die. If the Hand of Allah (swt) was not present in the affair of Yusuf (AS) then he would probably have died in that well. But everything is an affair of Allah and He has complete control and power over His (swt)’s affairs.

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