PART 13:YUSUF WAS BLAMED [Surah Yusuf 12:25]

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25. And they both raced to the door, and she tore his shirt from behind, and they found her lord (husband) at that door. She said “What is the recompense for one who desires evil with your family except that he be imprisoned or a painful torment”.

Yusuf (AS) soon saw that there was no way that he could make her change her mind. He saw that she was determined to commit sin, so he ran away from this sin, trial, and temptation. Yusuf (AS) raced for the door with all of the strength that he had, and she raced after him, towards sin. They are both running physically in the same direction, but spiritually and emotionally, they are exactly opposite.  She wants to reach the door before him so that she can bypass him to get to the door to once again attempt to seduce him.  She does not want him to open the door, and she wants to keep it shut.  He is going towards the door to open it and exit. As Yusuf (AS) was running away, she got hold of him by his shirt - meaning physically pulling him towards her, and in this process, his shirt tore from the back.

At that moment the door was opened, and they found Aziz standing there - he came back home unannounced. Seeing her husband there she came up with an immediate, instantaneous excuse to save herself by blaming Yusuf of wanting to commit a sin. Her intention to commit an evil caused her and forced her to commit slander and to go to the next level - one sin leads to another. She wanted to clear her name as quickly as possible. Before the Aziz even had time to think about what he saw before him she already spoke and proposed the punishment for him.

The scholars say that the “painful torment” in this ayah refers to whipping. She wants Yusuf (AS) to be whipped several times for a crime that he (AS) did not commit. She wants this innocent young man to suffer pain and humiliation because of something that she herself did by either sending him to prison which was a place of deprivation and torture or whipping which was pain upon pain. So why then did she propose this punishment for Yusuf (AS) if she still desired him (AS)? One reason for this, of course, was because she wanted to save herself. She did not want to face the penalty for what she had done. But another reason was her anger and fury at Yusuf (AS) for his rejecting her. Because Yusuf (AS) had rejected her and remained true to Allah (swt). Due to rejection, she wanted to see him suffer and be in pain.


1. A place where there is a danger of getting involved in sin must be abandoned outright- as was practically demonstrated by Yusuf by running away from there. When we see that we do not have the strength to overcome temptation, then we must flee from it. We should realize that any sin that we might commit is the displeasure of Allah (swt) and we should fear the displeasure more than anything else. This is especially true for sins of a sexual nature. We know that we are weak. We know that we may fall at any minute. So just like Yusuf (AS) we must run.

2. We are required to follow the commands of Allah to the best of our ability. Never give up. Results are in the hands of Allah. * Even if one does not achieve the desired result, his failure is no less then success.* He will get the reward for his efforts. This is what was done by Yusuf AS. All doors were closed, even locked, yet he spent out his maximum strength in running towards the door.

3. Yusuf AS knew that all the doors were closed. And yet, he ran towards them because he knew Allah would open them for him. If all the doors seem closed to you, keep running. For you and Yusuf have the same God.

4. How Allah (swt) plays out the fates of people. Just when Yusuf (AS) and Zulaykha reached the door they found her husband there. What was the chance that this man would be at the door at the exact moment when Yusuf and his wife reached the door? It was not chance but it was the Decree of Allah (swt). Allah (swt) decreed for the Aziz to return home at the exact moment when Yusuf (AS) and his wife were racing for the door. You might think that in this was another great trial for Yusuf (as). But in fact, this was a means for his exoneration, and it was a means for the Truth to be brought out.

5. She didn't say your wife, but she says, 'family' - trying to show him how Yusuf not only attacked his wife but also his whole family. This shows us that when any marriage is broken, it is not only the husband and wife who suffer, but it is the entire family. Everyone in the family feels the pain.

6. One lesson that we can take from this is to see how terrible the anger of some women can be. This vile rancor is something that exists in the hearts of those women who are heedless of their Creator. Of course, this feeling exists in both men and women, but women are especially prone this anger and scorn. So our sisters need to be especially careful of this. They must learn to control their anger and their bitterness towards others. They must attach their hearts to Allah (swt) and realize how nothing else matters except Him (swt). So if you are a sister and you ever have this feeling within you then know that it is a feeling from Shaitan. Know that the women who have this feeling and who act on this feeling are not those whom Allah (swt) is pleased with. Try to the best of your ability to clean your heart of this feeling. May Allah (swt) give this enabling grace to all of our sisters!

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