PART 25:KING CHOSE YUSUF FOR HIMSELF [Surah Yusuf 12: 54 -55]

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54. The king said “Bring him to me. I will choose him for myself”. Then when he had spoken with him, he said: “Surely you are with us on this day established and fully trusted.”

55. He said “Appoint me over the storehouses of the land. Surely I am a good keeper, knowledgeable”.

There is also a portion of the story that has been left out here but we can derive it from the context. The messenger returns to Yusuf (AS) and tells him how the king inquired about the women who had cut their hands. He then tells Yusuf (AS) how all of the women including Zulaykha had declared his innocence. He then tells Yusuf (AS) that the king now knows that he (AS) had been falsely imprisoned. He also tells Yusuf (AS) how impressed the king was with him and how he truly desired to see him. The king had now not only seen the intelligence and wisdom of Yusuf (AS), but he had also seen the patience and forbearance of this noble prophet. His chastity and his purity. His honesty and his trustworthiness. His courage and determination. So the king once again calls for Yusuf (AS). This time however not only does the king call for Yusuf (AS), but he also says that he will choose him for himself. This means that the king will take responsibility for Yusuf (AS). He is not going to send Yusuf (AS) back to Aziz's house. Rather the king will take Yusuf (AS) for himself. Remember that Yusuf (AS) used to be a slave. So the king is saying here that no one else can lay claim to Yusuf (AS) now. The king has chosen this noble prophet for himself.

After the king had spoken with Yusuf (AS), he says that he has been established and that he will be trusted meaning "you are a person of honor, integrity, and trustworthiness.”  The word “established” gives the meaning that the situation of Yusuf (AS) will now not change anymore. Now Yusuf (AS) was free, and he will remain free. Now Yusuf (AS) was favored and liked by the king, and he will remain so. Now Yusuf (AS) was trusted by the king, and he will remain so. When the king uses this word, it is to assure Yusuf (AS) that he will not find himself in prison tomorrow. From this day forwards Yusuf (AS)’s condition has changed for the better, and it will remain so.

Similarly the word “trusted” here simply means that the king now trusts Yusuf (AS). Since the king now trusts Yusuf (AS) everyone else in the kingdom will have to trust him as well. This is why the king says “with us” instead of saying “with me”. Recall from before how no one had trusted Yusuf (AS) when he spoke. When he said that he was free and not a slave they did not believe him. When he said that he was innocent and not guilty of seducing his master's wife they did not believe him.  No one believed him when he said he was not guilty of those lewd crimes against women who cut their hands. The king lets Yusuf (AS) know here that now things have changed. Now when he speaks, he will be believed. Not only will he be believed but he will be given trusts on behalf of others to hold and look after. Yusuf (AS) has now proven to the whole kingdom that he (AS) is truthful and worthy to given trusts and the king was now ready to appoint him (AS) to any position that Yusuf wanted.

Yusuf (as) said, “Appoint me over the storehouses of the land”. The storehouses of the land are where the grain is stored. Yusuf (AS) asked to be put in charge of them. This means that he (AS) was the one who would be responsible for storing the grain during the years of prosperity and he (AS) would be responsible for distributing it during the years of hardship. This is what Yusuf (AS) asked for. Just to be the person in charge of the grain; what he asked for was simply to be a worker.

In the final part of this ayah Yusuf (AS) says “Surely I am a good keeper, knowledgeable”. Here Yusuf (AS) lets the king know that he (AS) is capable to do this job. He (AS) lets the king know that he (AS) is qualified for this task. When Yusuf (AS) says that he is a “good keeper” this means that he will ensure that the grain is properly collected during the years of prosperity, and he will ensure that it is guarded and kept safe until the years of famine arrive. When Yusuf (AS) says that he is “knowledgeable” this means that he knows how to properly collect and store the grain. He also knows how to properly distribute it amongst the people. He knows which people are the most deserving of it and how much each person should get. Thus we see that Yusuf (AS) not only tells the king that he wants this position but he also tells him why he is deserving of that position.


1. Life is cyclic. We can see from the story of Yusuf the cycle of trial and temptation and then redemption and a high status. Yusuf (AS) was in the loving care of his father; from the comfort, love and tenderness of his house to a dark and stinky well.  Overnight from the well, he is entered into a palace as a slave.  Nonetheless, he is treated well and lavished and lives a reasonably comfortable life. Overnight from the palace to even a place worse than the well:  the dark dungeons of the prison. Then literally, from the prison in the morning at night, he goes to the palace of the king who tells him, “You are a man of honor, and I respect and admire you.”  From king’s palace, he gets his own palace because he is made a finance minister. We learn from this that every trial that comes will be bigger than the previous one, but then so too will the victory and reward.  This is the Sunnah of Allah (swt).  Every time we undergo one trial, there will be a bigger trial, but when the bigger trial comes, realize that the sweets of that trial and the fruits of that trial will be even better than the fruits of the last one. 

2. Yusuf said to the king, “I am hafeedh and 'Aleem.”  Hafeedh means ‘I will protect and guard' and  ‘Aleem means ‘I have the knowledge.’  Yusuf uses two characteristics; one of them applies to character, and the other applies to skill.  One applies to reputation, and the other applies to experience.  When placing people in position and authority, there has to be a healthy combination of both of character/reputation and experience/skills.

3. It is a part of our religion to help out society in whatever way possible and to benefit the community at large. Yusuf wants to help the society and help the people regardless of their faith.  He knows that he can do a good job, and he is confident in that, and so he offers his services. We need to get involved in our communities just like Yusuf (AS) did. 

4. Who knew that a boy thrown in a well by his own brothers, and then sent to prison when he was innocent, would one day have one of the most powerful men on earth at the time (the king of Egypt) say to him: "Verily, this day, you are with us established (high in rank) and fully trusted." That my friends is the Power of Faith in Allah. So never lose your hope in Allah's Power no matter how hard things may seem at the moment.

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