PART 42: YUSUF'S SPECIAL DUA TO HIS LORD [Surah Yusuf 12: 101]

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101. “My Lord, surely you have given me from the Kingdom, and you have taught me the interpretation of sayings, Originator of the heavens and the earth, You are my Protector and my Friend in this world and in the Hereafter, make me die submitting, and join me with the righteous”.

This is the last ayah of the Quran where Allah tells us of the story of Yusuf (AS). This is the last scene in which we see this noble prophet. What is Yusuf (AS) doing at this moment? As we leave him (AS) what do we see him doing? We see him making dua to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Calling out to his Lord and expressing his need. This by itself should serve to remind us of the virtues of dua that Allah would end this story with the dua that Yusuf (AS) is making. Our life is nothing except dedicating ourselves to Allah and asking Him (swt) to show us how to do that. Asking Him to give us the enabling grace to do that. That is why in this Surah as we leave Yusuf (AS) we see him praying to his Lord. Asking Him (swt) to allow him (AS) to come closer to Him (swt).

What does Yusuf (AS) first say in this prayer? First and foremost Yusuf (AS) remembers the favors and blessing that Allah has bestowed on him. Yusuf (AS) calls out to Allah and he reminds Him (swt) of these favors and blessings. Now, of course, Allah does not need any such reminders but this is a way in which Yusuf (AS) seeks to approach Him (swt). Yusuf (AS) seeks to become closer to Allah by remembering all of His favors and bounties upon him.

The first of the favors that Yusuf (AS) recounted was how Allah had given him a portion of the Kingdom. The “Kingdom” in this ayah refers to the kingdom of Egypt, and also refers to the Kingdom of Allah. Yusuf (AS) is thanking Allah for giving him a portion of His Kingdom. This entire universe is the Kingdom of Allah and anything that any of us has from it is from this Kingdom. So just like Yusuf (AS) we should thank Allah for what He has given us of His Kingdom. Every possession that we have is from His Kingdom. Every drop of water that we drink is from His Kingdom. Every breath of air that we breathe is from His Kingdom. Thus whenever we make dua to Allah we must remember all that He has given us. We must remember what He has bestowed on us from His Kingdom.

Yusuf (AS) then remembers and thanks Allah for yet another of His favors that He had given him. Allah had taught him how to interpret dreams and events. Knowledge of the real meaning of things. Yusuf (AS) acknowledges and thanks Allah for bestowing this knowledge on him.

After Yusuf (AS) praises Allah, he then calls out to Him (swt) as “Originator of the heavens and the earth”. The Arabic word Fatir that Allah uses in this ayah to describe Himself does not simply mean “Originator”. Rather it gives the meaning of One Who opened something and from that the One Who let loose something. So, in the beginning, there was no matter whatsoever. Then Allah opened and this universe as we know it came out. Almost like a flower comes out from the earth. Such was the creation of all things. This is how Allah brought everything into existence. The beauty and magnificence of it cannot even be described in words. So look around yourself and see all that is around you. Know that it was your Lord Who initiated it and brought into existence. There was nothing, and He is the One Who brought it all into being. How then can you turn away from such a Being? How can you forget Him? Yusuf (AS) did not. That is why in his prayer here before he asks Allah for his need, first he praises his Lord. He praises Him (swt) with a praise that cannot be given to anyone else. The Originator of the heavens and the earth.

Then Yusuf (AS) calls out to Allah by saying “You are my Protector and my Friend in this world and in the Hereafter.” In the previous part of the ayah, Yusuf praised Allah with a praise that belongs only to Him. Here he praises Him through a relationship that he has with Him. Notice how Yusuf (AS) is drawing closer to Allah even in the praise that he gives him. He calls out to his Lord as his Protector and his Friend. Both in this life and in the Hereafter. This is what Allah (swt) to all of the true believers. He (swt) protects them. He (swt) keeps them safe physical dangers, psychological dangers, and spiritual dangers. Insha Allah, we have to always remember Allah (swt) in this way as well. How many are the dangers that our Lord protects us from? What would become of us if He (swt) were to neglect us for even a moment? There are millions of different calamities that can befall us if were to be without the protection of Allah for even a moment. So just like Yusuf (AS) we also have to remember that Allah is our Protector. He is the One Who shields from us all that would destroy us and all that would cause us pain. He protects us even when we are heedless of Him (swt).

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