PART 40:YA'QOOB'S VISION RETURNED [Surah Yusuf 12: 96-98]

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96. So when the bringer of good news came he cast it on his face, then his vision returned. He said “Did I not tell you? Surely I know from Allah what you do not know”.

97. They said “Oh our father, ask forgiveness for us for our sins. Most surely we have been sinners”.

98. He said “Soon I will seek forgiveness for you from my Lord. Surely He is the Forgiving the Merciful”.

In the previous ayah, Allah tells us that the family of Ya'qoob (AS) was accusing him of being senile because he said that he could perceive the scent of Yusuf. In this ayah, Allah shows us how wrong they were. Allah shows us how exactly what they were saying did not exist did indeed exist. What Ya'qoob (AS) perceived was the shirt of Yusuf (AS), here Allah shows us how that shirt was cast on his face. Now the family of Ya'qoob (AS) could see how wrong they were.

Notice also how Allah refers to the one who brought the shirt as the bringer of good news. No doubt this was in reference to one of the brothers of Yusuf (AS). Now this brother had changed. Now he was no longer a harbinger of evil. Now he was a bringer of good news. He brought to his father the good news that Yusuf (AS) was still alive. That Binyamin was not a thief. That they would all soon be reunited. That their family would no longer have to suffer from the famine. That the animosity between them and Yusuf (AS) had been removed. That his vision would be restored. He brought to his father all of this good news and that is why Allah refers to him here as the bringer of good news. How much of a relief must this have been for Ya'qoob (AS) to look to his son now and feel joy? To not feel disappointment and hurt at what he was saying but rather to feel happiness. A long time ago this son of his had brought him a shirt stained with blood and he had told him that Yusuf (AS) was dead. Now that same son brings him (AS) a shirt and tells him that Yusuf was still alive. What a great mercy was this for Ya'qoob (AS)? Not only to know that Yusuf was still alive but also to hear this good news from the same son who brought the terrible news years ago. Such does the Mercy of Allah descend upon those whom He (swt) is pleased with.

As soon as this brother placed the shirt of Yusuf (AS) on Ya'qoob (AS)’s face, his vision returned. He was able to see again. Now the family saw the reality that they had been denying. They saw that Ya'qoob (AS) was right and they were wrong.

In the next ayah Allah (swt) tells us that the brothers asked their father to ask Allah's forgiveness for their sins. First, notice the love and affection that is present in the tone of the brothers as they speak to their father. Now they finally found the love for their father. They realized that it was wrong of them to judge their father. They knew now that they should not care so much about their father’s love as they should for Allah’s love, and they also knew that He (swt) does not love the jealous and the hateful. So they strove hard to clean their hearts of all traces of jealousy and hatred. They loved their father now.  Now, all that these brothers care about is attaining the Love of Allah. That is why they do not ask their father for his forgiveness, but rather they ask him to ask Allah to forgive them.

They realize that what they have done was not pleasing to their Lord and Master. So that is why they stress and emphasize here that they have indeed and truly been sinners. The language that they use is beautiful. First, there are two linguistic tools to stress and emphasize the fact that they have indeed been sinners. Then there is the fact that they not only say that they are sinners, but they say that they  have been sinners. So they even acknowledge the fact that they have sinned over a continuous period of time. For years and years, they harbored jealousy and hatred for Yusuf (AS). For years and years, they looked down upon their father and thought him to be unjust in his treatment of them. For years and years, they hid the truth from him as to what they had done with Yusuf. So they even acknowledge the fact here that their sins were not isolated but that they were perpetual and continuous sins which lasted for years and years. They acknowledge this fact. They acknowledge this fact with emphasis and certainty. Yet despite all of this they still hope for the Forgiveness of their Lord. They know that as great as their sins were the Forgiveness and Mercy of Allah was even greater.

Ya'qoob (AS) responded to their request by saying that he is soon going to ask Allah to forgive them. One question that may be posed here is that why does Ya'qoob (AS) say that he is soon going to ask forgiveness for them, why did he not do so right there when they had asked him? The scholars say that it was because he wanted to wait till the time when prayers were most likely to be accepted. We know that there are certain times in which Allah is more likely to answer our prayers. For example during the last third of the night, or the time between dawn and sunrise, or at the time of breaking the fast, or the day of Friday, or the month of Ramadan. These are all times in which our prayers are more likely to be accepted. So the reason why Ya'qoob (ASs) postpones this prayer for his children is because he wanted to wait for these times. We also should do the same. Of course, we should always be asking Allah to forgive us the many sins that we have done, but we must be especially earnest during these times.

Another reason that the scholars give is so that he could do it in private and so that he could do it properly. The seeking of forgiveness cannot be a simple word that you say. Rather it must be a prayer that is made out in earnest and with sincerity. So Ya'qoob (AS) wanted to take his time and make this dua for his children properly. He wanted to do it in private so that he could truly call out to Allah in sincerity. He did not want his children to see him shed tears and cry out to Allah. He wanted this prayer to be only between him and his Lord.


1. Surah Yusuf is more than anything else a human story. It is a story about how people can change. It is a story about how this Deen can transform people. We should remind ourselves at this point that the primary objective that we seek when we approach any ayah of the Quran is to find out how that ayah can guide us to Allah. How that ayah can help us to be more cognizant of Him (swt). In this ayah, Allah shows us how the brothers of Yusuf (AS) changed. How they went from a people who were the worst of sinners to being among the most repentant. So far was the journey that they took back to Allah that some scholars even say that they became prophets. So look now at this journey that the brothers took. Then realize that no matter how far you have gone from your Lord, there is always a way back to Him (swt).

2. One lesson that we can take from this is that we too must always be seeking the Forgiveness of Allah. The true believer would give up this entire world only for the Forgiveness of his Lord. He always hopes for it and he never thinks himself to be beyond it. Look at how many sins these brothers of Yusuf had done. Yet despite all these sins they still hoped for the Forgiveness of Allah. How then can we give up on it? How then can we think that we are beyond it? No, rather we must ask Allah for forgiveness and we must believe with utmost certainty that He (swt) will forgive us. He (swt) can do all things and nothing whatsoever is beyond Him (swt). Not even forgiving terrible sinners like you and me.

3. Another lesson that we can take from this ayah is that we must realize that the first step in seeking Forgiveness from Allah is to, first of all, admit that we were wrong. How can you hope for Allah to forgive you if you yourself will not even admit that you were wrong? That which is most displeasing to Allah to be in the human being is arrogance and pride, and it is only such arrogance that makes the human refuse to acknowledge his mistakes. We have to humble ourselves before the Glory and Majesty of Allah. We have to admit our mistakes. We have to admit our sins. This is the first step in the path to seeking the Forgiveness of Allah. Only when you humble yourself before your Lord, and you realize your slave hood of Him will you realize who you are and will you realize Who He (swt) IS. Only then can you have a hope of gaining His Forgiveness. May Allah  help us to realize our mistakes! May Allah allow us to turn to Him again and again!

4. It is best to make of our prayers in private. Now, of course, there were some prayers that the Prophet (S) made in public, such as the dua during the Friday Khutbah or during the Witr Salah in Ramadan. But in general, the Prophet (S) would make most of his prayers in private. When we make our prayers in private we built a special and personal relationship with our Lord. No one knows how close we are to Him except us. It is also a proof of our faith that we would make dua in private. We are calling out to Allah because we are certain that He (swt) is there, we are certain that He (swt) hears our prayers. Unfortunately some Muslims today only make dua when they are in a group. As we see from the example of the Prophet (S) and the example of Ya'qoob (AS) here that such is wrong. The best dua that we can make is when we are by ourselves. When no one can hear our words except the One whom we want to hear them.

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