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34. So his Lord responded for him, and turned their plots away from him, surely He is the Hearing, Knowing.

35. Then it occurred to them after they had seen the signs that they should imprison him for a time.

Here Allah (swt) tells us that He (swt) responded to this call of Yusuf. Allah (swt) saved Yusuf (AS) by giving him (AS) the determination and the willpower to resist them. So it was not simply that Allah (swt) made these women stop desiring him (AS) and stop planning to get him (AS). No, rather they still desired him and they still tried to get him to do evil. But Allah (swt) saved Yusuf (AS) by giving him the determination and the willpower to resist them. This was how Allah (swt) answered his prayer.

Allah (swt) tells us here that He (swt) is the Hearing and the knowing. This means that Allah (swt) Hears everything and that He (swt) Knows everything. In regards to this ayah Allah (swt) Hears the evil words that the women spoke and He (swt) Knows the evil that was in their hearts. He (swt) Knows how they falsely accused Yusuf (AS) of evil because they secretly desired him (AS). He (swt) Hears the unfounded accusations that they spoke against him (AS) even when they knew that he (AS) was innocent. Allah (swt) also Hears the good that Yusuf (AS) said. How he (AS) refused their invitation even though they invited him again and again. Allah (swt) Knows how difficult this was for Yusuf (AS). Allah (swt) Knows the feelings and the desire that he had. At the same time, Allah (swt) also Knows the sincerity and the love that he had in his heart for Him (swt).

"Then it occurred to them". Them in this ayah refers to the nobles of the city. The Aziz and the other upper classmen of the city - the ones whose wives were enthralled with Yusuf (AS). They came up with an idea to send Yusuf to prison after seeing that their wives were madly in love with Yusuf (AS). The scandal was all over the city so they need to figure out a way to suppress this scandal. They decided that the only way they could suppress the scandal and remove Yusuf from their wives' lives was to imprison him without trial until a given time. They knew that Yusuf (as) was innocent. They knew that it was really their own women who were guilty because they had sought to seduce Yusuf, but still they decided to send an innocent man to prison.

Some scholars say that Yusuf was taken to prison in chains. Before they put him in the prison, they made him ride on a donkey, and he was paraded across the streets of the city for all to see. The people thought him to be a criminal *even though he was the most innocent and righteous of men in their city.* Yusuf (AS) bore with patience all that was done to him, and he took comfort in the fact that Allah (swt) was well Aware of all his sufferings.


1. Whenever Allah (swt) answers the prayer of those, who call out to Him (swt). It is always favor and bounty. This is something that we must remember as well whenever Allah (swt) answers our prayer. We must never think that Allah (swt) answering our dua is Him (swt) fulfilling a right that we have over Him (swt). Rather we must always remember that the answering of prayers is only a gift and bounty that our Lord has given us for which we have done absolutely nothing to deserve.

2. Immoral people will do anything to fulfill their desires, and such immorality will be supported by the wicked that are present. Yusuf was being bothered by just one woman at the beginning, and then later on her husband didn’t assist Yusuf. Then the women didn’t assist Yusuf. Then the leaders didn’t assist Yusuf. When all these people didn’t assist Yusuf, they were, in fact, assisting the 'Aziz's wife and hence supporting immorality. Doing wrong is human and having to repent to Allah is necessary but they didn’t repent.

3. Be open to receiving guidance. Pay attention and be aware. Notice any repetitive messages that you may encounter after making dua. This is Allah's guidance. Notice it. Be open to it. Do not discount it. And follow it through. During your hard times do not discount something just because it is not what you expect. Sometimes the greatest blessings, the most amazing gifts, come in the most unusual packages. Also, understand that Allah's helps comes in different ways. Allah will not come down from the heaven to help you get out of the situation. He will either send people to help you or create the situation for you to get out of your problem.

4. Allah “broke” Yusuf by taking him out of comfortable circumstances and stretching him. Allah often has to “break” us before He (swt) can use us for greater purpose. Think how has Allah “broken” you? How did He (swt) “strengthen” you?

5. Yusuf’s life teaches us that disappointments are vital to spiritual growth because they demand faith and resting all hope upon Allah.  Delay never prevents Allah’s purposes; it only polishes the person. How is Allah (swt) “polishing” you?

6. Allah is in control even when it seems that your world is spinning madly out of control. Is there something going on in your life today that is hard for you to understand? Take it to Allah and trust His plans.

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