12:YUSUF WAS SAVED BY ALLAH [Surah Yusuf 12:24]

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24. And surely she desired (to do evil with) him, and he would have desired (to do evil with) her had he not seen the evidence of his Lord. Thus it was that We may turn away evil and indecency from him. Surely he was from our chosen and sincere servants.

In this verse, Allah says Yusuf desired her too. However, it doesn't mean that Yusuf (AS) commit any sin. He did not even approach her. He did not even have a resolve to approach her. He only had a desire for her that any man would have had if they had been in his situation. But unlike the vast majority of men Yusuf (AS) did not act on his desires. He (AS) controlled himself for the sake of Allah (swt) and this was only because he had seen the evidence of his Lord. This certainty of belief that Yusuf (AS) had was even stronger than the push of his desires. That was why he (AS) was able to control his desires and stand his ground even though the flames burned within him so strong.

The “evidence” in this ayah refers to the signs and proofs that Allah (swt) had shown him to give him the certainty of conviction in his Iman (faith).

"He had desired her" - The word "Hamm" appearing in this verse has been attributed to both wife of Aziz and Yusuf but there is a big difference between the 'Hamm' or thought of both. Zulekha's is included under sin whereas Yusuf's is not. Why because it was just merely a though not an action whereas Zulekha had thought, intention and action. The Prophet (PBUH) said, "Allah says to the angels; when my servant intends to do good, write a good deed in his or her book of deeds just because of the intention. And when he or she has completed this deed, write down ten good deeds. If a servant intends to do a sin, then leaves it off due to the fear of Allah, write one good deed in his or her book of deeds in lieu of that sin. And if he or she does fall into that sin, write it as one sin only." [Bukhari and Muslim]


1. In this part of the ayah Allah (swt) tells us that Yusuf (AS) at that moment also had a desire for her. But he (AS) did not even approach her because he had seen the evidence of his Lord. From this, we are first and foremost reminded of the humanity of Yusuf (AS). He (AS) was also a human being just like you and me, and he also had these desires that we have.

2. The models whom Allah (swt) has given us to emulate are not impossible ideals that we can never reach. We cannot think the prophets and messengers to be angels or some kind of super natural beings. Rather we have to always believe that they were also human beings just like we are. They also had the same weaknesses that we have. They also had the same desires that we have. They also had to walk by putting one foot in front of the other just like we do; they could not fly or levitate. So we should never think that we can never be like Yusuf (AS) or the Prophet (PBUH). They were human beings just like us. Of course, we will never reach their level. Of course, we will fall where they never fell. We will sin while they never sinned. But we must always keep them as the goal that we are trying to reach, and we must always strive to reach that goal, even if we know that we are never going to get there. So in other words, we may fall, we may stumble, we may commit sins but what's important is to acknowledge our weakness and to seek Allah's help; and if we fall then seek His forgiveness and stand up to fight and resist the desires again.

3. Then in the next part of the verse, Allah (swt) says “Thus it was that We may turn away evil and indecency from him.” Here Allah (swt) reminds us that it was only He (swt) Who saved Yusuf (AS) from this trial. Allah (swt) gave Yusuf (AS) this certainty of faith, and through that, He (swt) turned away from him all evil and indecency. This reminds us once again that it is Allah (swt) Who guides our hearts. It is Allah (swt) Who gives us this certainty of faith. It is Allah (swt) Who turns evil and immorality away from us. So if we want to be saved from sin, then we should always be turning to Allah (swt). Sins and temptations are always chasing us. They are always calling us to do evil and immorality. They are always calling us to do the actions that are displeasing to Allah (swt). The only way that we can save ourselves from them is by humbly turning to Allah and asking Him (swt) to save us from them. Only Allah can grant us that certainty of faith, that enabling grace, that determination and willpower, with which we can resist the temptations. So it is only Allah (swt) Who can turn away all this evil and indecency away from us. Even to escape the smallest of sins we need the Help and Support of Allah (swt)!

4. If we are sincere to Allah and if we are truthful to Allah, Allah will avert evil away from us. We will never be able to conquer evil alone.

5. If you protect your chastity and are pious in your youth, Allah will protect you in your old age. A youth who grew up in the worship of Allah will be under the shade on the Day of Judgment.

6. It is true that the concern for hereafter is something which can keep every human being protected from every evil wherever he or she may be. May Allah bless us all with this concern.

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