Chapter 10 Trouble in Paradise.

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It was finally morning and I had woken up to the discovery that Serena, Megan, and Juvia were gone. I quickly woke the others up. We were all in shock. There was clues that they were kidnapped including blood stains and the ground was disheveled. I began to panic at the thought of my love gone. You could tell Gray felt the same way. I wonder why that is?

Erza began tracking for any footprints and Natsu tried to pick up a scent. Lucy summed Pixis hoping he could point the way. We were all terribly worried. Out of a tree hoped Sophia, the wizard from the Element Royal guild. She said she was tracking down a lustful criminal that was spotted on the island. She believed the girls were captured by him.

My heart was racing in panic forcing me to drop to the floor. What could I do. Wendy came over to me and patted my head. I always felt like Wendy was a younger sister to me.She promised we would find the girls. I got up and began searching the island in and out.

We ended up following a strange track to a cave. On the trail leading to the entrance we saw a puddle that looked different. It felt like it had a life force. The puddle began shaping into a human and then we realized it was Juvia. She looked injure and she was in a state of shock. Gray shoved us out of the way and embraced her. She looked so scared.

Once she regained conscious she told us everything that happened. She said a strange man captured her, Megan and Serena. He dragged them through the forest and was heading to a cave. He laughed and told them his plans of harassing them. Juvia then said the only way to escape was to turn into water.

I was enraged and glowing with hatred. The skies turned black as did my aura. I was not going to let that monster touch my love nor my sister. I rushed towards the cave surrounded by a wave of black water. I was furious. I had awoken my water god force. I felt like my power was increasing as I stormed through the cave. I had to find my two favorite girls.

I finally caught sight of a man wearing a black coat with Serena and Megan tied to rocks. He smirked with evil as if he knew I was after him. He shot a strange magic spell at me that paralyzed me. I sat there motionless as he began to assault and humiliate Serena. It was like he knew I would be affected by this. He licked her neck and began taking off her clothes.

The anger I felt in my heart was beyond this world. I felt my power free me of the paralyzation and strengthen my soul. I blasted him with the spell Rage of the Water God Slayer. He was slammed to the back of the cave as I slammed him with every spell I had. His actions were unforgivable and I would take his life in retribution for his sins. Somehow I couldn't find enough hatred in my heart to kill him but I made him wish I did. I filled his lounges with water and bashed him against the ground.

Erza stopped me before I hurt him anymore. I ran straight to Serena and Megan and slashed the ropes that tied them. I hugged Megan and then embraced Serena. I took my shirt off and covered Serena's exposed body. I picked her up and we left the cave. We managed to contact the magic council and they took that monster away.

Our vacation was officially over. As soon as we got home I ran a bath for Serena. She felt as if a part of her pride was left behind in that cave. Later that night I made sure she felt one hundred percent. Megan was fine and wanted to support Serena as much as she could as well. I tucked Serena in and laid next to her. I held her close. You could tell she was still horrified and that was the only thing on her mind. I kissed her forehead and cuddled with her.

Tears poured out of her eyes as she let all her feelings out. I held her closer and let her cry on me. It was my shoulder that would always be there for her to cry on. She apologized for being so emotional. I frowned and said that she never had to apologize to me. I love her with all my heart and the last thing I wanted to see was her crying. I had to help her move forward.

To be continued......


Hope you guys enjoyed. I will be working on the next chapter soon enough but it may take some time so stay tuned. Also I would like to give credit to my friends SophiaBui6 and especially Meg_the_Twisted! They inspire me to keep writing so be sure to follow them.


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