Chapter 3

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Rey's POV

Go with him? He must be crazy! Surely he can't think that I would ever agree to this? But it seems he does.

I continue to search his thoughts but all I can find is that he wants to teach and protect me and can only guarantee my safety if I go with him. As if to prove that what I'm seeing is true he turns off his saber and clips it back onto his belt.

He slowly starts to walk towards me but I stay ready to attack. The First Order has just destroyed the Resistance base and so many innocent people have been killed. I don't even know if any of my friends have survived. Hell I don't even know if anyone survived.

He is getting closer now. The clouds start to shift and the darkness recedes. The moonlight shines down to where we are standing casting an eerie glow all around. He stops a few metres in front of me.

Kylo Ren's POV

I stop before her and wait. I can only hope that she believes what I have allowed her to see. She keeps eye contact with me as she turns off her saber and stands up straight with a determined look on her face.

"You want to protect me? From what?" she asks looking at me with disgust. "The only thing I need protection from is you".

"I'm not here to hurt you," I say.

The look on her face is one of disbelief "You expect me to believe that? After what has just happened".

"What just happened was necessary, from my point of view, but I can assure you that orders were given that you were not to be harmed" I answer.

"Me? You think I only care about me? Those people back there were my friends. Not that you would know anything about that" she spits at me her voice filled with venom.

"Well if it makes it any better for you some of them did manage to escape". She tries not to show any reaction but I can sense that she is relieved that her friends may have survived.

I move a couple of steps closer to her maintaining eye contact the whole time. I know she still isn't convinced that she is safe with me but she doesn't have much choice now. I tell her the truth even though I know she won't want to hear it. "The only people left on this planet now are you and I".

Rey's POV

Many more questions start to flood my mind now....... Just the two of us? Damn! This can't be good. How the hell am I meant to get out of this one? If he thinks I'm leaving with him he can keep on dreaming.

I see him smirk and realise I've let my guard down and he heard all of that. I really need to be more careful.

"My friends will come back for me" I tell him confidently "The ones who escaped".

He moves one step closer. "Not anytime soon. The First Order is patrolling the planet. Security is too tight. They aren't getting in and the only way you can leave is with me".

Ok Rey I think to myself now might be the time to panic.

"I know this isn't an ideal situation" he starts to say but I cut him off "Not an ideal situation" I shout. "Well thank you for pointing out the obvious! And your solution is what? I agree to come with you, you train me in the ways of The Force and the dark side and we become the best of friends? Think again because that isn't going to happen".

"We could stay here for a bit," he says almost at a whisper "you do need a teacher so...... if you aren't coming with me staying here could be an option".

As much as I hate to admit it I don't have any other choices so this for now might be the only solution until I figure things out.

I look him in the eye and nod in agreement.

Kylo Ren's POV

Ok. Staying here was not exactly what was planned but it's a start at least.

"Come with me" I say as I turn away and start to walk back across the clearing. I realise that she hasn't followed me. I turn around and she is standing there with her arms folded across her body with a defiant look on her face. I walk towards her and back to where I started. I try again. "Come with me, please". She uncrossed her arms and this time she follows me.

"Where are we going?" Rey asks.

I keep walking and focus on the path ahead. "To my ship. We still have a bit of a trek before we get there but there is food and you can get yourself cleaned up and rest. You are going to need your rest".

"Why?" Rey asks.

This time I stop and look at her. "Your training starts first thing tomorrow".

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