Chapter 19

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Rey's POV

I wake up wrapped in the arms of Kylo. At some point during our sleep we have entwined ourselves together. We are both lying on our sides facing each other, my head tucked in underneath his chin and my lips are just mere millimetres away from touching his skin. His arms are both wrapped around me holding me in close as are mine to him. My leg is draped over his body and holding him there in place next to me.

I carefully move my head back so I can look up at his face. He looks so peaceful, delicate and fragile. One of the most dangerous men in the galaxy I think as a small smile forms on my lips, lying here in my arms looking like an angel. If only everyone else could see him now they would come to know the man that I do.

I move my head back to where it was so it's tucked underneath his chin again and I snuggle in. My lips are back right next to his skin; next to the scar I gave him. I place one soft kiss on the scar and Kylo stirs ever so slightly. I wait a few moments and when he is still again I ever so slowly take my hand from his back and move it round to his chest and carefully undo the top two buttons of his shirt. I move the fabric out of the way and place another soft kiss. I feel a fire start to burn inside me and I know I should stop but I don't. I continue to place light kisses all over the scar as it travels down across his chest.

Kylo's hand suddenly leaves my back and gently grabs my leg that is draped over his and pulls the lower part of my body even closer towards him. I can feel him hard against me as he says "Unless you plan to see this through I need you to stop kissing me right now".

Kylo Ren's POV

"I'm sorry" Rey says obviously embarrassed as she brings my shirt back over to cover my chest. "I shouldn't have done that".

"Don't apologise," I say with a smile, "I could think of worse ways to be woken up".

I still have my hand on her thigh holding her tight against me, as I'm not quite ready to let her go yet. The feel of her next to me is too intoxicating. I can feel her heart beating faster as we lie here pressed against each other neither one of us ready to break free.

"I've never slept in the same bed with anyone before" Rey tells me.

"Neither have I" I reply.

Rey moves her head so she can look up at me and I look down to meet her gaze. "You haven't?" she asks as if she can't believe it.

"No I haven't" I admit. "Does that surprise you?"

"Yes, I suppose it does" she replies. "Can I ask why?"

"Well because of this exact situation," I tell her with a hint of sadness in my voice. "Look at me right now, an ideal target for my enemies. I'm lying here vulnerable, open and exposed for attack. Ready to be taken down and defeated".

"And what makes you think that wasn't my plan all along and any second now I will kill you?" Rey asks as a small smirk appears at the corner of her lips.

"Because against all the odds I trust you Rey," I say as I look into her eyes.

"And against all the odds I trust you too Kylo" she says looking straight back at me.

I lean down and place a small kiss on the tip of her nose and smile at her.

Rey quickly shifts her body so she is level with me now, face to face. Her eyes are wide open and staring at my lower lip. The colour drains from her face and she looks in complete shock. She finally looks up and her eyes lock with mine.

"Rey what is it? What's wrong?" I ask scared of whatever she might say.

"How did you cut your lip?" she asks her voice shaking.

I start to laugh, "relax Rey, its only a silly little cut nothing to get upset about".

Her voice is still shaking as she asks me again "How? Tell me".

"It was there when I woke up. I must have bit it while I was sleeping" I tell her, "nothing to worry about".

I tighten my arms around her so I can pull her close to me again but she quickly untangles herself from me and runs out of the bedroom. I call out to her but she ignores me. I jump up and chase after her. I reach the bedroom door just in time to see her run out of the ship.

What was all that about? I need to talk to her. I go out from the ship and I see her sitting next to the stream, her legs tucked into her body with her arms wrapped around them and her head resting on her knees. I walk towards her but stop a little bit away. "What's going on?" I ask.

"It can't be," she mumbles quietly without lifting her head "I must be crazy".

"Rey, I'm worried. Please tell me what's going on," I plead.

She doesn't answer so I slowly make my way towards her and sit down on the grass keeping a little distance between us.

"I'm here," I tell her "and I'm not going anywhere so take as long as you need".

We sit like this for a while then Rey finally looks up at me and says "Think Kylo, really think. How did you cut your lip?"

I recall the dream again my face turning red as I replay the events then I click on to why Rey is so flustered. "You" I say in shock "you did it".

Rey looks at me while turning a darker shade of pink "So we did have the same dream" she whispers.

"I don't think it was just a dream Rey," I say while touching the cut on my lip. "We must have connected again only this time we were asleep when it happened".

"How is that possible?" she asks searching my face for answers that I don't have.

"All I know is that we share some sort of bond," I say. "When we first got here and you seen my memories of my father and today while I was in the cave miles away and we could talk to each other. And even before that on Starkiller Base something was there. Maybe even before that. I wonder what else we can do".

"But Kylo, we nearly...... in the dream or bond or whatever we...... " Rey looks away embarrassed.

I reach over placing my fingers under her chin and gently turn her face towards me. I quietly ask her "do you regret it?"

Rey looks at me her hazel eyes almost smiling, as my heart beats faster waiting for her to answer, and then she whispers "never".

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