Chapter 15

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Rey's POV

Kylo looks at me in shock. "You already know? How? When?"

"I just found out" I say, "I wasn't snooping. Well I suppose I kind of was". He looks at me confused as I cringe at being caught. "When you were in the other craft earlier I was in the cockpit so I could see what was happening and" Kylo cuts me off and finishes "you saw the transmission".

"Yes" I reply, "I know I shouldn't have watched it".

"No I'm glad you did," he says as he brings his other hand up and rests it on top of mine.

"Why did you tell me though? You didn't have to. As far as you knew I had no idea about any of this," I ask him.

"I didn't want to lie to you anymore". Kylo removes his hands from mine and stands up. "I couldn't lie to you anymore". He starts to pace the room and I'm unsure of what to say next.

"So what are we going to do?" I finally ask again as I stand up.

"Well I don't think I could kill you now even if I wanted too. I've shown you all my best moves," he says nervously.

"I'm serious Kylo," I whisper.

He stops pacing and stands before me. He takes my face in his hands and looks deep into my eyes "I will not let you die. I promise you that".

Kylo Ren's POV

"Thank you" Rey says as she stares straight back into my soul. A rush of warmth spreads throughout my whole body as we stand there as close as can be. Then I remember that I don't deserve to feel this way and she deserves someone much better than me. I slowly start to back away and it takes all the power I have but I remove my hands from her face. She watches me as I walk away and I go back into the common area and start to open the rest of the crates.

Rey joins me a few minutes later and we unpack the crates together in silence, an understanding between us now.

"I think it would be best if we continue with your training" I say.

"I agree, I'm going to need all the help I can get" Rey admits.

"Well for now let's just get all this stored away, get some food and sleep. Nothing more can be done tonight anyway," I say as I carry the last of the food into the kitchen.

"I have an idea to take our minds off of my imminent death" Rey says as she makes her way to the kitchen. "How's about a cooking lesson Chef?"

Rey's POV

"A cooking lesson from me?" Kylo laughs "You must be bad if you think I can help".

"Lets see...... I can pour water over powder and rustle up a small loaf of bread" I chuckle. "That's about as exciting as it got on Jakku. Not too many options available for scavenger scum". I can see him squirm at me calling myself that like he did once and I allow myself another small chuckle.

"Ok, well watch and learn my young apprentice," he says as a smile forms on his face "and prepare to be dazzled".

"Yes Master" I reply bowing slightly before I jump up to sit on the worktop.

He turns and looks up at me his eyebrows raised "Master? I could get use to you calling me that".

"Try not to. Save you from being disappointed later on" I reply as I stick my tongue out.

He rolls his eyes at me as he says, "I'm just saying...... it's still an option. Don't rule it out".

I don't answer but inside I know that I will never join the First Order, but joining Kylo? I don't think I could say never to that.

Kylo Ren's POV

I lie down on the sofa and close my eyes. As eventful days go I think this one is right up there. If someone had told me this morning that today would end with a cooking lesson, a nice meal and lots of laughter I would probably have force choked them for wasting my time. But there it was, one of the nicest evenings I've had in a very long time and maybe even ever and all down to the company of course.

I pull the blanket up over my shoulders and turn over onto my side. I open my eyes and I'm facing the bedroom door, the room where she is. I wonder if she is still awake too. If she like me is wondering how this has all turned out like it has. In a matter of days we have went from being enemies to wanting to protect each other. We are so different but exactly the same. If I were a betting man I would say that The Force has brought us together as it seems to be much stronger when we are in each other's company, but why?

All I know is that every fibre of my being wants to get up right now, walk through that door, take her in my arms and kiss her like she has never been kissed before. But I don't for many reasons. For now I'll close my eyes and hopefully dream of that kiss where in there she can't reject or hurt me.

Rey's POV

I lie down on the bed and close my eyes. That was one hell of a day. I think I felt every emotion possible at some point. I smile though as I think of how the evening went. Hard to believe I actually had fun considering I found out my name was at the top of a hit list just hours before. Well I have the company to thank for that. Who would have thought that the mighty Kylo Ren had some cooking skills and a sense of humour too! I think it's best if I just expect the unexpected with him from now on.

I pull the covers up over my shoulders and turn over onto my side. I open my eyes and I'm facing the bedroom door. He is out there just now and I wonder if he is still awake too, thinking about everything like I am and trying to work out how we got here. I don't know much about The Force it's true but I feel as if maybe that is what is bringing us together as I feel so much stronger when I'm in his company. Why I don't know but I'm sure it will all become clear soon enough.

All I know is that every fibre of my being wants to get up right now, walk through that door, take him in my arms and kiss him like he has never been kissed before. But I don't for many reasons. For now I'll close my eyes and hopefully dream of that kiss where in there he can't reject or hurt me.

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