Chapter 16

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Rey's POV

I'm standing on the grass next to the stream watching the suns rise when my heart starts to race and I know he is near. I turn around and there he is, walking towards me, his black hair blowing in the breeze and he smiles at me. The most handsome man I have ever seen.

He stops in front of me and I can't hold myself back any more. The urge I have to kiss him is so overpowering and I can't resist it any longer. I reach forward and grab his shirt in my hand, stand on my tiptoes and use all the strength I have to pull him towards me and I put my lips on his.

He responds instantly by pressing his lips harder onto mine. I tighten my hold on his shirt as my other hand travels up his back, across his neck and my fingers find their way into his hair. He opens his mouth and a soft moan escapes as I grab his hair in my fist. I feel his arms wrap around me holding me even closer. One arm is around my waist and the other just slightly lower. I open my mouth and his tongue finds mine. My knees start to tremble and I want more. I need him, more than I've ever needed anything.

We slowly sink down onto our knees our first kiss still yet unbroken as I move my other hand up so both of them are now entwined in his hair. He removes his hold from my waist and every inch of me tingles as his fingers travel slowly up my spine and stop at my neck tenderly tickling the loose strands of hair that have broken free.

In one swift movement Kylo holds me tight and I'm lying on the ground with him on top of me. Our lips break apart and we both struggle for breath as we look at each other. He reaches behind him and takes both of my arms and holds them in place by my wrists on the ground above my head. My heart is beating so fast and you can clearly see my chest rising and falling as I try to control myself. Kylo watches me in awe like he too can't believe this is happening.

He leans down to me ever so slowly and places one small tender kiss on my lips then moves away again. My head starts to spin, as I need more. He once again leans down and I try to lift myself up to meet him but his weight is holding me down and I can't move. He waits, his lips ready just out of my reach, watching me trying to get to him. He places another soft kiss on my lips and moves again to look at me, teasing me. I try to break my hands free so I can pull him to me but he holds me even tighter and a familiar smirk appears on his face. He once again slowly leans in and this time when his lips touch mine I gently bite his lower lip so he can't leave me quite yet. Another small moan escapes from him and this time he doesn't tease me anymore but continues to kiss me like before.

With one hand still holding my arms in place he uses the other to caress my cheek and then his hand moves down to my shoulder and stops. We break apart from our kiss and he looks at me as if asking for permission to continue. I nod yes, and we both watch as his hand travels lower and softly cups my breast......

I suddenly sit up in bed gasping for breath. The bed covers are lying on the floor, sweat is pouring off me and my whole body is shaking. It feels like electricity is running through my veins. I touch my lips and they feel warm and tender as does my left breast where his hand was just moments ago before I woke up.

If I didn't know any better I would say that dream was the real thing.

Kylo Ren's POV

I make my way out of the ship and I see Rey standing on the grass next to the stream watching the suns rise. I walk towards her and my heart starts to race like it always does when she is near. She turns to face me and I smile at her, the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.

I stop in front of her trying to find the courage to make my move when she reaches forward and grabs my shirt, stands on her tiptoes and pulls me towards her crashing her lips into mine. This is everything I have ever wanted but I've only just realised it now.

I instantly respond by pressing my lips harder onto hers. I feel her grip tighten on my shirt as her other hand travels up my back, across my neck and into my hair leaving a trail of warmth behind that pulses throughout my whole body. I open my mouth and a soft moan escapes as Rey tighten her grip on my hair. I wrap my arms around her waist and one of them instinctively drops a little lower as I hold her as close as I possibly can. I open my mouth and my tongue searches and finds hers. My knees start to tremble and I want more. I need her, more than I've ever needed anything.

We slowly sink down onto our knees our first kiss still yet unbroken. She lets go of my shirt and her hand joins the other running through my hair. I remove my hold from her waist and lightly run my fingers across her back as they travel up to her neck where I play with the loose strands of her hair that have fallen down.

I tighten my grip on her as I lay her down on the ground and position myself on top of her. Our lips break apart and we both struggle for breath as we look at each other. I reach behind me and take both of her arms and raise them above her head on the ground holding them in place by her wrists. Rey made the first move but now it's my turn to take control. Her heart is beating just as fast as mine and I can clearly see her chest rising and falling as we both try to control ourselves. Rey watches me in awe like she too can't believe this is happening.

I lean down and ever so slowly place one small tender kiss on her lips. This is a moment I want to savour forever, but my head starts to spin, as I need more. I once again lean down and I can feel Rey trying to rise up to meet me but I've got her in too tight of a grip. I wait, watching her, teasing her before placing another soft kiss on her lips. She tries to break free from my grasp but I only hold her tighter and smirk at her eagerness. When we both can't take it anymore I lean in once again but this time when my lips touch hers she gently bites my lower lip and brings me in closer. Another small moan escapes me as I finally succumb and we continue to kiss like we did before.

I use my free hand to caress her cheek and slowly move down to her shoulder where I stop. We break apart; as I need to make sure that this is what we both want. I look into her eyes and without any words passing between us she nods her head yes. We both watch my hand as it travels lower and as nervous as I am I softly cup her breast......

I suddenly sit up on the sofa gasping for breath. The blanket is lying on the floor, sweat is pouring off me and my whole body is shaking. It feels like electricity is running through my veins. I touch my lips and they feel warm and tender. I look at my fingers and there are a few drops of blood. I put my finger again to my lower lip and there is a small cut just where Rey bit me only moments ago before I woke up.

If I don't know any better I would say that dream was the real thing.

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