Chapter 23

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Rey's POV

Leave? He needs me to leave! I open my eyes and turn to look at him. He slowly opens his too and he sits forward in the chair and turns to face me. It takes him a few minutes but he finally looks at me. I still can't believe what he just said and the look of confusion, hurt and betrayal on my face must be a sight to behold. As he looks into my eyes he reaches over and takes both of my hands in his. He opens his mind to me and pushes towards me the conversation he had earlier with Hux.

I see it all play out in my mind and I feel the hate Kylo has towards Hux and how much he wishes he could end him but knowing that tonight wasn't the right time.

"Do you understand?" he asks as he squeezes my hands. "I don't want you to leave but I need you to leave".

"Snoke sent him here with orders for you to kill me" I say more as a statement than a question.

"It's not safe here for you anymore" he tells me his voice filled with dread. "The tremor in The Force Snoke felt should have been towards the dark not the light. He knows you won't turn. Even I might not be able to protect you".

"Where would I go? Where would you go?" I ask holding back the tears that are threatening to spill out.

"You would go back to the Resistance. It's the only place where he couldn't get to you easily," he admits. "They will keep you safe".

"And you?" I ask again.

"There is only one place I could go. Back to the First Order" he whispers as he looks away from my teary gaze.

"He sensed a pull to the light?" I ask him as I lean in closer. "Was that from...... from you?"

He takes his hand and softly places it at the nape of my neck and brings me in closer to him and he rests his forehead against mine. "Yes" he sighs, "I think that it was. You have no idea what you do to me".

My whole body tingles at his words. He has felt the pull to the light because of me. I place my hands on his cheeks and hold his face gently in front of me. I can feel my heart rapidly beating in my chest as I stare deep into his eyes and I say, "Come with me Ben".

Kylo Ren's POV

Ben. She called me Ben. The shock of it hits me full force and I stumble as I quickly stand up and take a few steps away from her. The last person to call me that was my father right before I killed him and I have no idea how long it was before that, possibly years. "I'm not Ben," I say quietly.

"You could be" she replies as she slowly walks towards me.

I lift my head up to look at her standing a few feet away from me. "Maybe one day" I say as I close the gap between us.

She looks up at me and smiles "Yes, one day".

"But right now I need to be Kylo Ren and we need a plan to get you out of here" I tell her as I start to pace.

"Well that won't be easy" Rey says "and even if I do manage to get off this planet how the hell am I meant to find the Resistance?"

"The same way you found them last time I suppose," I answer. She looks at me and we both say at the same time 'Maz'. "If anyone knows where they have set up their new base it will be her. Will she remember you?"

"Oh yeah" Rey smiles "I'm sure she will".

Curiosity at her tone makes me ask, "What happened with Maz?"

"She told me some things but I think I interpreted it wrong" she says as her cheeks turn a light shade of pink. "After everything that has now happened it would be nice to have that chat with her again".

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