Chapter 24

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Rey's POV

I turn on the hot water in the shower and let the spray wash over me allowing the steam to soothe my muscles. I rack the depths of my mind to try and formulate some sort of an escape plan. The only thing I know for sure is that it needs to look like this was all my own doing. They can't know that Kylo has helped me in any way. If he is to return to the First Order then they can't suspect that he was involved especially if they are already suspicious regarding the recent tremor in The Force. Right now for him that's the only way to keep him safe and I want him to be safe more than anything. The thought that I could be the reason he gets hurt or killed would destroy me.

As I leave the shower room and enter the bedroom I put on his oversized shirt that annoyed me so much days ago but now I find it strangely comforting. I make my way to the common area and see Kylo sitting on the sofa deep in thought. "May I join you?" I ask.

He looks up at me and his breath catches slightly in his throat as he takes in the sight of me before him. My hair is still damp and loose and hangs just below my shoulders, the only item of clothing I have on is his black shirt which stops mid thigh and my legs are exposed and my feet are bare.

He doesn't speak but nods his head yes. His eyes don't leave me even for a second as I sit down next to him and our knees gently bang together sending a ripple of warmth all over me.

Kylo Ren's POV

My concentration is broken when I hear Rey ask, "May I join you?" I look up to answer her but find I am unable to speak so I nod yes instead. The sight of her standing there before me is too much for me to take in. She is perfection and I can't take my eyes off of her. She walks closer and sits down on the sofa next to me and our knees touch sending a warm sensation to every cell in my body.

Rey lifts her head and looks at me. As soon as we lock eyes I know what I have to do and without thinking of any of the ramifications of my next move I instinctively reach over and as quick as lightning I grab her by the waist and lift her onto my lap so she is straddling me. Much to my surprise and delight she doesn't seem to mind that she is now facing me in this compromising position. Her shirt has risen up slightly during the move and is only just covering her modesty. I slowly run my hands up and down her thighs enjoying the feel of her on my fingertips.

She reaches down and removes my hands from her body. I expect her to climb off of me or be upset that I had touched her in such an intimate way but then she surprises me in the best way possible. Rey lifts my arms up so they are above my head and then proceeds to remove my top so I am now bare-chested. As she stares at my body she bites her bottom lip as she takes her hands and softly runs them over my stomach muscles sending tingling sensations everywhere.

I place my hands back onto her exposed thighs and continue to slowly caress them as I feel myself getting more and more aroused with every passing second. We both lean towards each other at the same time and our lips crash together in an urgency that I've never experienced before.

Rey's POV

Everything in the galaxy fades away and all that is left is this exact moment. My lips on Kylo's are all that matters. The intensity of the kiss knocks the wind out of me. I can't breathe but I want more. I need more. I remove my hands from his chest and wrap them around his neck so I can close the gap between us, as I want him closer still. As I press my chest against his he moves his hands from my thighs and I feel them grab my ass as he pushes me closer. I move my hands up into his hair as he squeezes my cheeks causing me to rock my hips. I can feel him hard against me, and the thought that I have done that to him makes me break out into a smile. Kylo stops the kiss and looks at me as I smile at him. We take in a few ragged breaths as he smiles back at me with an excited glint in his eyes before taking me in for another passionately deep kiss.

Kylo holds onto me tight as he stands up with me still wrapped around him. I close my legs tighter around him as he walks towards the bedroom. He stops just as we are about to enter the room and he presses me against the wall. He pulls back from our kiss and takes my hands from his hair and entwines our fingers together as he pushes my hands against the wall above me holding me in place. He leans down and slowly starts to kiss my neck making his way from under my ear all the way across my cheek to the corner of my lips. A feeling of pleasure hits me so hard that I moan out loud as he starts to grind against me. I squeeze my legs even tighter around him as he leans back and looks at me.

"Are you sure?" he asks his voice shaking with anticipation.

"Absolutely" I smile as I smash my lips into his again, my tongue finds his and my hips slowly move against him.

He lets go of my hands and I wrap them around his neck again as he grabs my ass to hold me up and carries me to the bed.

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