Chapter 27

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Rey's POV

"So when do we do this?" I ask.

"I would say sooner rather than later," Kylo answers as he reaches over and tucks my hair behind my ear. "If we wait too long then Snoke will come to us and we will have missed our chance". He looks away as he says "tonight. We will do it tonight".

"So soon?" I say with sadness in my voice.

Kylo looks back to me and nods his head in reply. "We need to plan everything to the exact little detail. The damage to the ship needs to be convincing and the tracker on the escape pod can only be disarmed at the last second. We can't mess this up Rey".

"What about...... your...... about the injuries to you?" I ask my voice filled with concern.

"Well they will need to be enough to convince them that I was defeated," he says as he watches me shift uncomfortably at the thought of him being wounded. "Don't worry Rey, they have the best medics on our base who will fix me up in no time and trust me my pain threshold is very high".

"It's just the thought of leaving you there alone" I say as my tears threaten to spill over.

Kylo takes my hand in his and softly says, "Do you think I want to be left there alone? That I want you to leave me? Rey there is nothing more I want right now than to stay here with you, the whole planet to ourselves, sitting here in our spot by the stream watching the suns rise and set everyday. The time we have spent here has been so special to me and I can't even being to describe to you how much I don't want this to end. But the only thing that matters to me is that you are safe and as far away from Snoke as possible. This is what needs to be done".

I reach over and take him in my arms burying my face in his hair as I hold him close. "I wish we could stay here too. Maybe one day we will come back here".

I can feel Kylo smile against my neck as he says, "Yes, we will come back here one day. I promise".

Kylo Ren's POV

As I tell Rey 'Yes, we will come back here one day. I promise' I know that that promise is what I will need to hold onto in the times of darkness that are waiting for me. I know the pain and torture that I have been subjected to before will be nothing compared to what will await me when Snoke discovers that Rey has escaped and defeated me once again and I have failed him. As I hold Rey close to me in an embrace that I wish could last forever I truly believe that it would be better for me if the First Order found me dead but I have promised her now that I will stay alive. The thought of seeing her again one day and to be able to hold her like this will be worth all the pain they could ever throw at me.

I slowly release myself from our embrace and I try with all my strength to keep my emotions in check. Rey looks at me, her eyes and cheeks wet from her tears but a determination in her eyes to make this plan succeed. "There is one more thing we need to agree on" I say. Rey looks at me with concern in her eyes as she nods for me to continue. "Our connection, our bond, or whatever this is that we have it needs to stop as soon as the First Order finds me. I can't risk anyone especially Snoke or Hux to find out about this. I will have to close you out as much as it will pain me to do so but there is no other choice". Rey nods her head in agreement even though her thoughts betray her and I know this devastates her as much as it does me. I reach over and take her face in my hands as I tell her "As soon as it's safe to do so I will try and find you through our bond. I promise you Rey, as soon as it's safe".

Rey looks at me with a softness in her eyes that makes my heart skip a beat as she whispers, "I'll be waiting. However long it takes, whatever happens...... I'll be waiting for you".

Rey's POV

I make my way back to the ship to collect my belongings so I'm ready to leave tonight. I arrived here with nothing except my saber but I'm leaving with more than that. I find a bag in among Kylo's things and go to the bedroom to gather the items that I want to take with me. I keep on the garments the First Order sent me and I pack my old clothes that still need to be mended. I walk towards the bed and I reach down and pick up Kylo's shirt, the one I have been wearing and the one that he slowly undressed me from last night. I feel my cheeks flush at the memory as I quickly put the shirt into my bag. I crouch down next to the bed and slide my hand under the mattress. I easily find what I'm looking for and carefully hold onto it as I slowly bring my hand back out. I open the piece of folded paper before me to find the handwritten note that Kylo recently left for me and inside is the small yellow flower that he picked for me, my symbol of hope. I smile as I fold the flower back into the paper and pack them into the bag.

I take a deep breath and one last look around at what has been my home for what seems like longer than it has been. I throw the bag over my shoulder and make my way out to find Kylo. The time has come. It's now that we part and even though I have hope in my heart I know that a piece of me is about to die and after tonight I will never be the same again.

I find Kylo standing in the common area, saber in his hand. He looks at me as he ignites his weapon and says "Are you ready?"

I drop the bag and unclip my saber from my belt and take a step closer to him. I look at him with a mixture of emotions but knowing what needs to be done. I ignite my weapon too as I reply, "Ready".

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