Chapter 18

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Rey's POV

"Rey is that you?" Kylo asks the sound of disbelief in his voice.

"Yes" I nervously laugh, "it was you who called out to me first".

"This is unbelievable" he says sounding as shocked as I feel.

"Can you see me?" I ask, "I can't see you".

"No I can't see you. I can only hear you in my head. How is this possible?" he asks.

"You're asking me? Seriously? How would I know! Is this not some Force trick you just haven't taught me yet?" I reply.

"No. Trust me this has never happened to me before" he answers obviously still in shock. "I mean I've been inside peoples heads and them mine but to be a distance away from someone and be able to have a conversation like you are right next to them. No, this is a new one for me".

"Why are we connecting this way?" I ask shyly.

"I don't know," he says "but you're right though it's got to be The Force at work and there must be a reason".

Kylo Ren's POV

"I got your note" Rey says, "I can't even remember the last time I seen handwriting".

"Yeah it's a dying art for sure but I like to practice it when I can. It would be a shame if it disappeared forever" I admit.

"Yes it would be and you're writing was beautiful" Rey says then quickly adds, "Where are you?"

"I'm about an hours walk away to the north in a cave on the rock face," I tell her. "I'm sorry I was gone when you woke up. I just needed to be alone for awhile. I came here to meditate".

"Would you believe that's exactly what I was doing when this started," Rey laughs.

"Ok so let's see if we can work this out then. We were both meditating and then we connected right?" I ask.

"Seems so. You called out to me first. What were you thinking about when the connection happened?" Rey asks with curiosity in her voice.

"Ermmmm I was...... I was actually thinking about you" I say quietly glad that she can't see how pink my cheeks have become.

"Well it seems we have some kind of answer then because when I heard you call out I may have been thinking about you too" Rey says and I just know she is the same colour of pink that I am.

Rey's POV

The silence fades and the connection is broken.

I stand up and make my way to the bedroom and lie down on the bed. This is total madness. We can talk to each other now even when we are miles apart? Why would The Force want us to be connected this way? Dark & Light, two people on opposite sides of the war, natural enemies. But maybe that is the reason why; The Force doesn't want us to be on opposite sides or to be enemies. It wants Kylo to come back to the light, to be Ben again and for me to help him do that. That must be it because surely it wouldn't want me to go to the dark!

I close my eyes and try to work out what needs to be done. I can't just think about me leaving here anymore after my training and returning to the Resistance, I also need to think about taking Kylo with me. Though how I will convince him to do that I don't know yet.

I can feel my head sinking deeper into the pillow as I slowly drift off to sleep thinking about a future that could be.

Kylo Ren's POV

After I realise the connection has been broken I gather up my things and start to make my way back to the ship.

I don't understand why The Force would be connecting us this way. We are on different sides of the fight, dark against light and neither of us has any intention of changing that. Rey will never come to the dark I know that now, there is too much light in her. And there is too much dark in me, I can never go back to the light, not after everything I've done. There are just some things that you cannot come back from. So what is The Force trying to tell us?

I enjoy the walk back as it's not very often I can get to have time like this. In the First Order it is not the easiest thing to get away for a while, although I do manage to escape for short periods of time without attracting too much attention. Snoke is usually off base at his own secret hideout so it's Hux who is the biggest problem. He has spies everywhere that he thinks I don't know about but what he doesn't know is that I am always one step ahead of him. If I want to keep Rey alive then I'll need to make sure it stays that way.

I reach the ship and go inside but Rey is not there. I notice that the bedroom door is slightly open so I slowly walk towards it and push the door open further to find Rey lying on the bed sound asleep. I walk over and sit down on the bed next to her being careful not to wake her. I sit there and watch her as she sleeps, she looks so peaceful, delicate and fragile and I can't help but smile at how good I feel just being here next to her.

I reach over and move away the strand of hair that has fallen down across her face. She stirs and slowly opens her eyes a little. "Hi" she whispers, "you're back".

"I'm back," I whisper as I continue to stroke her hair. "I'm going to get some sleep too so I'll leave you now".

As I stand up to leave Rey reaches out and softly grabs hold of my arm. I turn around and Rey is still lying there with her eyes closed half asleep but she's quietly says, "Don't go. Sleep here with me".

My heart skips a beat as I lie down on the bed next to her and feel her rest her head against my shoulder.

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