Chapter 8

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Rey's POV

Kylo turns and leaves and I'm left standing here alone and confused. I want to go after him to make sure he is ok but I don't. I sit down on the sofa with my head in my hands and try to control my breathing. This is so much to take in. I didn't even know you could enter someone else's dreams. This must be one of those Jedi mind tricks. Did I make it happen or did Kylo draw me in? I genuinely don't know and I doubt he does either. He was just as confused as I was about everything.

The pain he is in though, it is so raw and constant and it takes control of him like a virus infecting every part of his being.

I always believed he was just a monster but now I'm not so sure.

Kylo Ren's POV

I make my way to the riverbank and fall down on the grass. I sit with my head in my hands and I concentrate on my breathing taking deep breaths in and out, in and out and in and out. I can feel my whole body shaking and not from the cold.

What the hell was that? So she has had no training in The Force but she can enter people's dreams and access their memories and emotions? Did she know she was doing it or did I somehow allow it to happen? I have no idea.

The pull to the light though when she touched me was strong. Stronger than I ever thought possible. I don't think she is aware that she done that. She was just trying to comfort me. I can't let her know she has that power over me. I belong in the dark and all the pain that comes with that. That is my home now.

I can never let her touch me again.

Rey's POV

Kylo has been gone for a while now but I know he isn't too far away. I make my way out of the ship and see him sitting next to the stream we crossed on the way here. I go back inside and make us some hot tea then make my way towards him.

I sit down next to him and pass him one of the mugs. He takes it from me without looking in my direction and says nothing. Right now there is nothing that can be said.

We sit there side by side in silence drinking our tea watching both suns rise up over the horizon.

Kylo Ren's POV

I welcomed the hot tea just like I welcomed the sunrise. Thankfully Rey was able to read the situation and didn't attempt to speak. We just sit here not talking in a strangely comforting silence.

She knows everything now that happened with my father. From every thought I had to every emotion I felt. There is no need for us to talk about it like she wanted as she has experienced it all first hand. I still have the guilt and hatred for myself but I do feel like a weight has started to lift. Like sharing this has lessened the load.

I need to be careful around her though as I don't want to be tempted by the light but one thing is for sure...... I don't feel so alone anymore.

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