Depressed Little

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Alex's POV--

I think something is wrong with my baby.

She has no interest I'm the things she loves.

She doesn't lay close to me when we sleep.

Ash suffers from depression and anxiety. So if the is depressed all I can do is try to comfort her till she feels better again.

She is already taking meds, if this keeps up for to long I'll have to take her to the doctors again.

She really is staring to worry me though.

Are the meds not enough?

Are they too much?

Did I cause this somehow?

Does she need counseling again?


I'm pulled out of my trance by a, not so little, Ash.

"Yes Ash"

"Can we talk.... Grown up talk. I need it"

"Of course Baby, want do you want to talk about?"

"Stuff that is on my mind.... I think you have noticed.. I've acted different lately"

"Okay... I'm all ears"

She sits down next to my and starts talking.

"Lately I've been struggling again. Just remember my old nightmares? I'm getting them again and they are just getting worse. Also anytime I go out of the house as a little I feel like everyone is judging me. The looks I get... They are burned into my brain"

"I'm sorry honey.... Maybe you should try counseling again, just a suggestion. And people are assholes. You are amazing, beautiful, funny, full of life and I love you. You are being you and that is the most precious thing I have ever seen. So fuck people its your decision, it makes you happy and you aren't hitting anyone... Be you baby..."

Ash smiles at me.

"Thank you baby.. That means a lot to me. Maybe counseling wouldn't be the worst idea... I'll try it again"

"There is my princess"

She laughs.

"Kinda weird being an adult"
"Do you want to be little Ash?"

"Nah.... Its kinda nice talking like this and being here... Being an adult"

"Well... What do you want to do?" I ask.

"I just want to sit here for now... Its beautiful outside."

"Indeed it is... But not as beautiful as you"

Ash laughs.

"I forgot how corney you were!"

"Yeah but you love me"

"Yeah I do"

She kisses me.

"This is good... Right now... Being here". She puts her head on my shoulder and we stare out the window.

Well that was easy. I'm glad I made her smile again.


Thanks for reading loves!

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