Big Girl

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I wake up to the sound of mommy throwing up.  That is never a good sign.  I run to the bathroom to check of her. 

"Mommy is you otay?" I ask while knocking. 

"Yes baby I'm fine, go back to sleep"

Mommy replies... Then she throws up again 

I open the door and walk in. 
"Baby you need to leave,  I don't want you getting sick"

"But mommy you can't take care of yourself"

"Yes I can"

"No you can't"

"Ash yes I can! "

Mommy is so suborn

"No you cant mommy" I pout. 

"I've seen it before.... You crashed last time and you had to go to the hospital... I don't want that to happen again" I whisper while tears or in my eyes. 

"Sugar.... I know I'm sorry.  I just don't want you to get sick little one... But you can take care of me today princess"


Mommy smiles at me. 

"Come on mommy you need to rest"

I take mommy's had and take her to the bedroom.  I get her all cozy and ask her if she can eat. 

"Mommy I put the garbage by your bed just in case you throw up again,  and what do you want for breakfast?"

"Thank you princess,  but mommy isn't hungry right now"

I pout. 

"Mommy you needs to eat!.... Pwease..? "

"... Can you make me some soup then? "

"Yes I can!" I beam proudly. 

"I will bring you some medicine in a few minutes,  but for now you need sleep"

"Okay little one" Mommy replies and smiles. 

I walk to the kitchen to cook for mommy.

"Sugar.... I know I'm sorry.  I just don't want you to get sick little one... But you can take care of me today princess"


Mommy smiles at me. 

"Come on mommy you need to rest"

I take mommy's had and take her to the bedroom.  I get her all cozy and ask her if she can eat. 

"Mommy I put the garbage by your bed just in case you throw up again,  and what do you want for breakfast?"

"Thank you princess,  but mommy isn't hungry right now"

I pout. 

"Mommy you needs to eat!.... Pwease..? "

"... Can you make me some soup then? "

"Yes I can!" I beam proudly. 

"I will bring you some medicine in a few minutes,  but for now you need sleep"

"Okay little one" Mommy replies and smiles. 

I walk to the kitchen to cook for mommy. 


Alex's POV

I wake up with severe stomach pain.  I try and lay there but it just gets worse.  The next thing I know I'm throwing up in the bathroom. 

I hope this doesn't wake Ash up. 

"Mommy is you otay?"

I spoke to soon. 

"Yes baby I'm fine, go back to sleep"

I say to Ash.... Then I throw up again. 

Ashy walks into the bathroom. 

"Baby you need to leave,  I don't want you getting sick"

"But mommy you can't take care of yourself"

"Yes I can"

"No you can't"

"Ash yes I can!" I'm starting to get angry. 

"Ive seen it before.... You crashed last time and had to go to the hospital I don't want that to happen again"

Tears form in her eyes. 

"Sugar I know I'm sorry.... I just don't want you to get sick little one... But you can take care of me today princess."

Her face lights up and she brings me to our room. I don't really remember the much after that,  all I remember is falling asleep.



I got mommy some medicine and water and brought it up to her. 

"Here mommy,  I hope this helps"

"Thank you baby"

"You should try and sleep mommy"

"Okay princess,  I love you"

"I love you to mommy" I giggle. 

I go back downstairs and make mommy some soup. 

I get out things like noodles,  chicken,  celery and carrots. 

I cut everything up and let it cook for awhile. 

I'll go watch some cartoons... It would be better with mommy,  but she needs sleep. 
I put on Adventure Time and suck on my Binky for a few hours.


3 hours later mommy's soup is all ready.  It was the first time I cooked by myself and it turned out so good!

I happily put some soup in a bowl and bring it up to mommy. 

"Mommy...  I brought you some soup"

"Thank you Ashy" Mommy says with a smile. 

I return the smile and hand the bowl to mommy

I snuggle up to her and smile. 

"Do you feel better mommy?"

"I do princess, thank you. You have been such a big girl for mommy." 

I giggle and blush. 

"Thank you mommy"

"No problem baby,  I love you"

"I love you too"


Sorry it took so long for me to write. I've been dealing with a lot lately, my depression has kicked me in the a$$... But I finally did it! 

Thanks for reading
Stay little 💖

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