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Ash's POV--

I'm running as fast as I can. It's dark, foggy, and cold. I have no clue where I am. A forest maybe? I don't recognize it.

I'm heart is pounding, it feels like its trying to leave my body. My head and legs hurt but I can't stop running.

I hear something in the distance. A crash maybe, it terrifies me. I start to run even faster, I didn't even know I could.

I run out of the woods and get to a road. I see a car in the distance. I try and flag it down. As it gets closer, it speeds up. It is trying to hit me!

At the last second I move out of the cars path. My heart races even faster. I see the car hit a tree, then the driver side door opens.

Something steps out and comes toward me. It look kinda like..

"Alex?" I question.

It comes even closer. It is Alex... But it isn't her. Everything is wrong. Her hair is cut off, clothes are torn, and has burns all over her body.

"Alex" finally limps over to me and grabs my arm. Her hand is cold and rough, not the touch I know.

It starts to mumble. I can't make anything out. It says it again, a little louder... I still can't hear it.

"What are you saying?" I ask.
"This is all your fault Ash! "

"What? "

"If it weren't for you, I would still be beautiful, not in all this pain!"

"Alex I don't get what you are saying!"

"You are going to feel my pain!" She shouts at me. She pulls out a knife and stabs me in the stomach multiple times.
I fall to the ground in intense pain.

I feel something douse me, it smells like gas.... Then I see it.
She pulls out a lighter and lights it.

"Alex please... Don't do this!" I beg.

"it's to late now Ashhy bear.. You did this"

I feel my skin burn. I throw up because of the smell. I then scream.

I wake up screaming at the top of my lungs.

It was just a dream

"Ash what's wrong?!" J hear Alex asks as my hugs me. 

"I had a terrifying seemed so real"

"You wanna talk about it?"

"Well it started like....."

I went on to tell Alex what happened in my dream. Leaving no gruesome detail out. I was shaking by the time I was done talking.

"Babe, its okay. I promise you my little princess that would never happen" She rubs my back and kisses my cheek.

I slowly feel myself getting back into a little space.

"It would never happen cuz you would always protect me, right mommy?"

"Right. I won't let anything happen to my little sugar bear"

I giggle at the nickname. That makes mommy smile at me.

"We should go back to sleep little one, its late"

"Otay mommy"

I wrap myself around her and close my eyes. Mommy pets my hair. Sleep slowly overcomes me once more.

Mommy will always protect me


Tanks for weading, and stay wittle!  😊😇💖

(Sorry took so long)

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