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The paramedics showed up not too long after. Taehyung was rushed to the hospital and his condition stabilized, but Jin didn't go with Victoria and Namjoon. He went home without another word—he didn't need to see any more. He had to glitch again.

His whole body was tense as he entered his cold and empty apartment, eyes immediately darting to the vase of lilies on the side table. How the hell had Namjoon managed to leave those untouched while they seemed to fall just in Victoria's presence?

"Not the issue," he muttered to himself before sitting on the couch with a thump. Changing the boys lives seemed to affect Victoria no matter what, so what if he changed Victoria's life instead? He recalled how upset she was about her mother's death and her father remarrying so quickly. If he wished for her mother to have never died, then maybe her life would improve.

And so would the boys.

He figured it was worth a try, anyway. It might actually work.

"I wish Victoria's mother never died."

He forgot the close his eyes this time, but it didn't seem to make a difference. The grandfather clock began ticking just as abruptly as it had stopped. The apartment was just as dimly lit as before in the fading light of dusk. An ominous feeling fell over him.

Did he know her? Did he know the boys? Curiosity and desperation to know if he had fixed things possessed him to get off the couch and squeeze the car keys still in his hands. On the walk to his car, he checked his contacts. They were all there beside Victoria. Even Iseul.

Frustration hit him like a ton of bricks, but maybe he just wasn't seeing it. Maybe she really was in his life still and he'd fixed everything. The thought made his heart pound with anticipation as he raced down the streets of Seoul.

He almost went to Namjoon's gas station, but he hadn't seen Hoseok and Jimin what felt like forever when it had really only been a week at the most. The dance studio would still be open, so that's where he headed.

The lights were on in the three-story building. Jin almost tripped getting out of his car because he was in such a rush. He ran inside, the anticipation being almost too much as he watched the receptionist shuffle papers around behind the desk.

Heejung was a middle-aged woman, the same one Jin knew from before all this glitching bullshit. Hoseok had hired her as soon as the business started up.

She looked up uninterestedly, glasses resting on her nose. "Hoseok is finishing up with a student right now." Her head jerked in the direction of a few plush seats against the wall. "Have a seat, Seokjin. I'll tell him you're here."

Jin bowed gratefully. It would be a good opportunity to build some patience. He'd seem to run dry of it long ago. Heejung called Hoseok from the office phone and informed him of Jin's presence. It probably wasn't even ten minutes until Hoseok emerged from the elevator with a teenage boy.

"You're doing great. Just remember to tense your muscles when making strong movements," he said before patting the kid on the back.

The boy bowed with a smile before backing toward the door. "Thank you. See you tomorrow!"

Hoseok nodded at the student before turning to Jin. "Hyung! What are you doing here?" His face lit up with a bright smile. Good—he was smiling.

The older felt tears prick at his eyes at the sight. He hadn't seen Hoseok smile in a long time. Without realizing it, he crossed the distance between them to embrace him tightly.

Hoseok's eyes widened and he let out a light laugh while hugging back. "Is everything okay?"

"I just..." he said, choking back tears. Luckily, they didn't fall as he pulled away, a sudden question popping into his mind. "Where's Jimin?"

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