Twenty Three

19 4 5

Maybe love can carry across dimensions.

July 20th, 2017

The sound of cars honking and pigeons flapping their wings sailed through the summer air. Seoulites rushed to and fro like always, among them being Kim Seokjin. The handsome businessman had his phone pressed to his ear, a small smile tugging at his face.

He weaved expertly through the crowds on the overpopulated sidewalk. It was his normal routine, so he had become accustomed to shoving and being shoved on his way to the subway, as he didn't own a car. When the opportunity came up, he quickly declined.

It had felt like forever since he wished to have never met any of them. But he was doing alright. Jin didn't think about them all the time. He was able to push them into the back of his mind so he could function. He had friends that he got a drink with occasionally. He was seeing someone, and although he would never love her as he loved Victoria, it would have to do.

The vase of lilies had somehow respawned at his wish, and he didn't touch them. But sometimes, when he missed Victoria deeply, he found that they would fall over without being touched. He wondered if that was the piece of her that stayed with him. The small sliver that he always carried with him.

"Yes, baby. I'm on my way."

The woman on the other line sighed. "Hurry, okay? I look like a loser sitting here by myself." A small chuckle left her.

"Order some drinks. I'll be there in a few minutes."

"I love you," she said.

Jin pressed his lips together, heart aching less than it used to. He noticed a familiar face approaching him among the rest. "I lov—" He was cut off by a sudden realization that made his heart pound a million miles a minute.

Her hair was long and straight, face blank as she made her way down the street. She was wearing a suit jacket and pencil skirt, an expensive-looking purse in her hand. Her bright eyes met his briefly as they passed each other.

Jin's hand fell away from his ear as he stopped in his tracks.

Behind him, Victoria slowed and turned around to look at his back. There was something oddly familiar—she felt like she knew him. But she quickly decided it was just a coincidence and continued walking the other way.

Jin whipped around to see her walking briskly as she was before. There she went, right out of his life. He turned back around, eyes wide and chest aching with grief. It was better this way. It was. It was. He had to believe that he had made the right choice.

It was all he could do to get on his way again as if nothing had happened.

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