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It didn't feel like they had been dating for that long, but they were already at the two-month mark. The three of them, that is. Victoria couldn't deny that it felt twice as good to have two boyfriends as opposed to one. That way, she had options. For example, if she was upset and wanted to feel better or laugh, she would go to Jimin, but if she wanted to be silently comforted and just have tender kisses and cuddling, she would go to Yoongi.

The three of them fit like puzzle pieces. Everything seemed to be going right, but of course it did. It had only been two months. Hindsight is 20/20, and if she could have predicted the future, things might have been different. But, getting back to the present, things were really great except for the fact that Jimin still didn't want Victoria and Yoongi to be together without him—something Yoongi was not aware of.

That's why it surprised her when she walked into Yoongi's apartment to be pressed up against the wall, bombarded with aggressive kisses. His hands held her wrists tightly against the dry paint.

"Hi, baby," he mumbled into her mouth. It wasn't rare for Yoongi to get rough with his kisses, but Victoria never let it go further and he never knew why.

Though this time, she knew something was different. Yoongi was different. He had invited her over without any reason or explanation. Her suspicions were only confirmed when he pressed his erection against her and moved down to suck on her neck harshly. A light moan left her lips, only making his actions more desperate.

It felt so good, but she remembered how inadequate Jimin felt just thinking about his girlfriend and boyfriend being together without him.

"What—what about Jungkook?" she stammered, another moan falling from her mouth when one of his hands slipped into her jeans.

He was so busy trying to slide a few fingers into her that he didn't focus much on what she was saying. "Gone."

"Fuck, Yoongi," she breathed, squeezing her eyes shut from the pleasure that shot through her body at his touch. "Jimin?"

"Not here."

"No." She grabbed his wrist, willing herself to gather enough strength to push his hand out of her. "Jimin doesn't want us to do this without him," she managed to pant out, frustration hitting her when his fingers stopped moving and slowly slid out.

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows as he backed away slightly and let her other wrist go. "What do you mean?"

"He doesn't want us having sex without him."

He openly pouted, which made her smile a bit. "Why not? If you and Jimin can have sex without me, then I can have sex with you and Jimin separately—"

"We don't have sex without you," she admitted quietly

The man's eyebrows raised suddenly. "Oh...does foreplay count?"

Victoria really wanted to say that it didn't, but the image of Jimin's face twisting into that of betrayal, his eyes glazed red with tears of hurt—it gave her the will to hold back. She slowly nodded, relieved when Yoongi only sighed and cupped her face in his hands.

"Fine," he conceded. "But we can't always have sex with each other. You both have jobs with conflicting hours and we all know how horny I get."

Her laugh was cut off by his lips pressing against hers in the needy way they usually did.


So they wouldn't be tempted with each other, Yoongi invited Jimin over so the three of them could watch movies together.

"Baby!" Victoria chirped as Jimin entered the small apartment. At his shy smile, she hopped off of Yoongi's lap and rushed to him, bringing the younger in for a hungry kiss.

"Hi," he said with a smile as she pulled away. He then looked to Yoongi and led Victoria to the couch where he sat before pressing his lips to the older male's.

Yoongi squeezed Jimin's thigh as they pulled away and smirked. "Hey, baby."

The rest of the night was filled with kisses, cuddling, and barely watching the movies on the television. By the time Victoria fell asleep on the arm of the couch, her lips were swollen by the amount of attention they'd given to and received from her boyfriends.

Night had fallen so quickly, and she was lulled to sleep by the comforting presence of Jimin and Yoongi. Because of them, she rarely had nightmares anymore because she rarely ever slept on her own. That's why it puzzled her when she woke in a sweat and breathing heavily, images of her masked torturer still fresh in her mind.

It was always the same dream. It plagued her since childhood, but had only reared its ugly head in the past year or so. She was normally chained up in a basement with the masked person. They always did awful things to her so that she didn't die quickly, but slowly, suffering as much as possible.

It wasn't rare that she woke up screaming, but this time, she only had tears streaming down her face and fear writhing in the pit of her stomach.

But then another feeling joined it when she realized she was alone. The lights and television were off, the only sounds being Yoongi's bed creaking slightly and Jimin's muffled moans. Her heart dropped at the image in them having sex without her.

It was less that they were having sex without her, and more that Jimin had made such a big deal about them all being together before turning around and fucking Yoongi on his own. "What a snake," she muttered to herself in her rage.

Fine. They wanted to have sex alone? Then she would leave them alone to do just that. She quietly got up and crept to the door to put her shoes on.

"Fuck, Hyung. I'm gonna..."

She scrunched up her face. Normally, that would turn her on, but she was too angry. The only thing it incited in her was disgust and a sense of betrayal. How could Jimin be so selfish?

Victoria closed the door silently behind her, thankful that she hadn't stayed long enough to hear Jimin's high-pitched moans that always came with his orgasms.

Bitterness stung her eyes and her throat as she stormed off into the night. The freezing wind whipped at her skin, only heightening her anger. There was only one place she wanted to be at that moment, and she was grateful that it was open 24/7.

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