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When my mood is dreary, months feel like years. Even with the beauty of midsummer that sings a tune of happiness for the trees to sway along to, I cannot do the same. I can only be here now with my loneliness, my longing, and my hope for things to miraculously change.

He didn't know how to deal with the swarm of feelings that welled inside of him whenever he saw Victoria. It was almost enough to make him weep on the spot. He loved her so much. She was his best friend. His soul mate. Nothing and no one else could compare.

His love for her flowed through him like a river after a storm—filling and emptying him all at once. He could feel it in his hands, in his heart, in his stomach. It was so overwhelming that someday's he didn't know what to do with himself.


Taehyung's voice snapped Jin out of his trance as he sat on the sand dunes, the wind ruffling his hair. "What? Oh. Hey." He wanted to ask how the younger knew he was there, but he didn't seem to have the motivation for anything anymore.

The younger eyed him with suspicion. It wasn't usual for him to space out or get lost in thought. He was normally alert and perky. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," he answered weakly, wanting to say 'no'. It was killing him to see Victoria with someone else. Even if it was Yoongi, he didn't think he'd feel any different.

She'd been with Jimin for about five months. He didn't really keep track of the time, as each day was like a year-long journey through a scorching desert.

"Hyung," Taehyung said softly and sat beside him. "It's Victoria, isn't it?"

Jin hung his head to stare at his thighs as he hugged his knees. "I'm happy that she's happy," he began quietly. "But dammit, what if?"

"You already know the answer to that. You had her."

"And I lost her."

"But you can have her again," the younger argued. "It's not too late to change things."

Jin blinked a few times, looking back to the waves that crested and reflected sparkles from the sun. "Yes it is, Taehyung. She's happy with Jimin."

Taehyung shook his head. "I don't think she's as happy as she was with you."

"Think whatever you want," he muttered. "I'll be fine."

But he wasn't. 


A/N: just a little diddy to connect it back to Jin. He IS the main character, after all.

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