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Jimin paced nervously on the hardwood floor of the front room. Heejung had gone home, as Hoseok had given her the night off. He'd actually closed the entire studio just so Jimin could use it for the date. He truly was Jimin's best friend. They were actually more like brothers.

Even though Jimin had been feeling down as of late because of him, he would never admit it. And his date with Victoria gave him something to look forward to. He hated the police academy, not to mention that he felt so inferior it wasn't funny.

In the days leading up to the date, he found himself constantly looking in the mirror to see if he had gained any weight. The fat had finally come off of his cheeks since high school, and he found himself getting more numbers and compliments from strangers.

But it didn't seem to make up for his attention issues. He had to look perfect and then people would like him. At least that's what he told himself. So he opted to not eat anything the day before the date so his face wouldn't get 'puffy' as he thought it did.

After Jungkook's little matchmaking episode, Jimin had texted Victoria apologizing for the maknae's behavior. She said it was fine and that she actually didn't mind. So Jimin told her to meet him at Hoseok's studio instead of their apartment.

He'd spent hours before picking out an outfit and styling his hair even though they were going to be dancing and it'd probably get messed up anyway. But he wanted to look good for Victoria. They'd been hanging out with the rest of the boys and he quickly discovered that he thought she always looked good—even that one time she rolled out of bed to hang out because she slept through her alarm.

His thoughts were interrupted by the opening of the heavy glass door. Victoria practically ran in before shoving it shut. "It's so cold out there!"

Jimin only stared at her in awe. She was just in jeans and a bright yellow cut-off sweater that didn't quite expose her tummy. It was an average outfit on an extraordinary girl. He thought she looked like an angel.


Her voice snapped him out of his trance and into a shy smile. "Sorry—you look beautiful, Noona."

Victoria's face flushed and she smiled down at the ground. She thought Jimin looked so incredibly handsome in his black hoodie and ripped jeans that exposed a bit of his muscular thighs. She bit her lip unconsciously at the sight, but shook it off. "You're the one who looks handsome..."

Jimin noticed her biting her lip while checking him out, which gave him a boost of confidence he didn't know he had. Even though her comment made him giggle and want to hide his face out of shyness, he took her hand instead.

"Come on."

Before she could protest, he led her to the first dance room and flicked the lights on. The floor was shiny, as he had cleaned the shit out of it before she came. They walked in together, and he realized he was still holding her hand, so he let go.

"You said you miss dancing and stuff, so I thought maybe we," he suggested in a small voice, offering her a smile.

She returned the smile and gave his sides a squeeze. "You're so cute, Jiminie!" Her gaze then swept the room as his cheeks pinked. "And sweet. I really do miss dancing."

"Then," he started, walking over to the boombox in the corner. "Let's dance."


After teaching her one of Hoseok's routines and running it way more than a couple times, the two were sweaty messes laying on the floor—quite literally. Victoria's chest was heaving as she lay splayed out, Jimin trying to avert his eyes from the sight.

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