Chapter 1

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Your POV

Water rushed passed me as I heard his call for help. I reached the coast within seconds and as I surfaced the sight that met me angered me. Diana and Demona, two kaiju that my brother has always had problems with, were practically double teaming my brother. He was having trouble landing hits on them and he seemed worn out. He was on his side on the ground with claw marks all over his body. I let out a growl before firing a beam of F/C at Demona. It hit her straight on causing her to go flying off my brother's back. She crashed into a building and caused Diana to put her attention on me. 

"Stay away from him." I growled walking towards them

"Y/N~" Diana purred as Demona climbed out of the wreckage, "You were just the monster we wanted to see~"

"Oh really?" I narrowed my eyes at them 

"Mhm." Demona smiled as she walked over to me, swaying her hips, "We just wanted to have a little talk~"

"Well I don't want to talk. Especially with you two teaming up on my older brother." 

"Come on Y/N. Just one small little talk. We can make it worth your while~" Demona whispered seductively in my ear

I took a deep breath and pushed her away.

"I'm not going to repeat myself." 

Demona's smile dropped and balled her hands into fists. Diana stood beside her glaring at me. I could feel the tension in the air. I went to speak again but I was interrupted with a punch to the stomach. I screeched in pain as Diana followed up Demona's punch with her micro oxygen beam. I didn't get a chance to recover as Demona tackled me into a building. Diana placed her foot on my stomach as Demona got back up.

"All we want to do is move you to our island!" Diana huffed as I tried to get back up

"We've already had this talk! I'm not moving islands!" 

"Then we'll make you." Demona smirked grabbing both of my cheeks

I was about to say 'fuck you' when I saw my brother rise to his feet. Diana and Demona didn't notice until he smacked Demona with his tail.

"You will stay away from my sister." He growled before firing his atomic beam at Diana

She tried to dodge it but it was too late. She took his beam straight on causing her to screech in pain. She fell to the ground as my brother stood in front of me protectively. Demona helped Diana up and looked at me before glancing at Godzilla,

"Come on Diana. We can always get her later."

Godzilla huffed at the threat and the two flew off. Once they were gone he turned to me as I stood.

"I didn't need your help."

"Oh really? Then why did you send out a distress call?"

"I didn't send one."

"Yeah you did."

"I didn't. I had everything under control."

"Well then excuse me for helping." I flicked my tail at him and he caught it in a tight grip

"I don't care if your my sister or not. I am your king and alpha. I won't tolerate disrespect and if I have to I will put you back in line." 

I narrowed my eyes at him and ripped my tail out of his grip. I maintained eye contact for a few seconds before turning around. I purposely flicked my tail out him barely missing his snout. Before he could do anything I walked back into the ocean and took off. To be honest I was pretty pissed that he pulled the whole 'king and alpha' card. He didn't need to pull that bullshit with me. He's lucky I didn't challenge him right then and there. By the time I got to my home, or well I call it Monster Island since I share it with other kaiju, my anger had only grown. 

"Hey Y/N!" Mothra greeted me with a smile but I ignored her and laid down on the beach, "What's wrong?" She asked and fluttered down next to me 

"My brother sent out a distress call so I went and helped him. Although as soon as I helped him he stated that he didn't call for help. Then he pulled the whole, 'I'm the alpha and your king' card." I huffed 

"Aw Y/N-" 

"Y/N!" Mothra was interrupted by two little voices

I looked over at the tree line to see two of Mothra's children, Maya and Mia. 

They both happened to be twins so a lot of times it's hard to tell them apart

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They both happened to be twins so a lot of times it's hard to tell them apart. Little giggles left their mouths as they climbed on my back.

"Y/N come play with us!"

"Girls! Y/N's been through a lot today. I don't think she wants to play right now." Mothra pulled the two off of me 

The two pouted once she set them down on the ground. 

"Why don't you go see if Reva wants to play?"

"Aw okay." Mia pouted and ran off 

Maya walked up to me before placing her tiny hands on either side of my cheeks. 

"Happy." She smiled as she gently patted my cheeks before running after her sister

"They really are fond of you." Mothra smiled as she sat next to me, "Almost as if you're their father."

"I practically am. What happened to your boyfriend anyway?" I looked Mothra in the eye but she quickly looked away sadly, "He uh, left shortly after the girls were born."

"HE WHAT!?" I quickly got to my feet but Mothra was in front of me before I could do anything

"Please calm down Y/N." She placed her hands on my arms as her wings wrapped around me

"That bastard left you alone to raise two kids! He needs to get his little mothy ass back here!"

Mothra was about to respond when I heard Maya's voice,

"Bastard!" She giggled cutely

My eyes widened and looked back over at the tree line and spotted her. She had a smile on her face with her arms outstretched.

"N-No don't repeat that Maya!" I ran over to her and leaned down to her height, "That's a bad word that you don't need to repeat." I glanced back over at Mothra who was death glaring me, "Besides I think your mother wants to kill me now."

"No!" Maya shrieked and jumped in front of me, "I won't let mommy hurt you!"

Mothra's eyes softened and walked over to us causing Maya to stiffen. 

"I'm not going to hurt her my little moth." She smiled and picked up Maya, "As long as you never repeat that word." 

"I promise!" 

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