Chapter 6

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One week later

General POV

I was sitting at my desk when I heard yelling.

"General! General!" The private bursted into my office and I sent him a harsh glare

"What is it?"

"We've found the island. A drone came back with visuals of one of the kaijus that attacked the sister Godzilla. Also the radiation level on the island is 5x over the normal!"

"Where is it?" I stood from my desk before pulling up a holographic map

"It's only about 200 miles east of the sister's Godzilla island." He touched a certain part of the map and it zoomed into an island

The island seemed to fairly decent. It seemed to be about 400 miles in width. The private tapped on one of it's beaches revealing a cave.

"We spotted the plant kaiju leaving this cave. The radiation levels emitting from this cave alone is enough to kill a whole city. Our scientists believe that this is where the kaiju are holding the sister Godzilla captive."

"And they're sure of this?"

"Yes sir."

I took a deep breath and ran a hand through my hair.

"Is Moguera, Kiryu, and Mechagodzilla ready?"

"Yes sir."

"Then prepare the ships and maser cannons and the Super Xs. I don't want any failure this time."

"Of course sir."

Godzilla POV

I surfaced once I reached my sister's island. I wanted to make sure she wouldn't surprise me just in case she wanted to challenge me. Although I couldn't see my sister anywhere in sight. My tail swished behind me curiously as I looked around for her.

"My king!" I heard someone shout

I turned around to see Catherine, Battra, and Mothra coming towards me.

"What is it?" I huffed

"It's Y/N! Catherine said she was taken by Bianca, Leah, Sasha, and Demona!" Mothra fluttered her wings nervously

"How long ago?"

"About a week. Mothra, Reva, and I have been flying around trying to find her but to no such luck." Battra responded as she hugged her sister

I let out a low growl and tried to contain my anger.

"I should've known they would have moved in after I left. While I was weakened." I muttered the last part

"Huh? What do you mean by weakened?" Catherine asked

"Don't worry about it. Now I want you all to-"

"I FOUND THEM!" Someone shouted from above

I looked up to see Reba and she quickly landed beside Catherine.

"Where!?" Mothers and Battra asked at the same time

"I saw Crystal and some of her minions at an island not too far from here. There's a HUGE cave that they came out of so I'm pretty sure they have Y/N trapped there."

"And you're sure of this?" I asked her

Reva seemed a bit taken back by my question, as if she was offended.

"Yes I'm sure. We've been looking for her for a week. Unlike someone else we know." Reva glared at me and I had to hold myself back from attacking her

"Could you lead me there?" I huffed


"Alright then. You all stay here while I retrieve my sister."

"Um I don't think so." Catherine growled, "We're going with you to retrieve our mate."

"Mate!?" I looked at her shocked

"Yes. While Reva here has already confessed her feelings, the rest of us still have yet to do so, and when we do we will take her as a mate." Catherine stated confidently earning nods from the other three girls

I rubbed my eyes as I took a deep breath.

"Didn't know my sister was such a lady killer. Alright you four can come with me. If you get hurt it's not my fault."

"Why would we depend on you in the first place?" Battra glared at me, "Y/N has been taking care of us and protecting us since you blocked yourself off from everyone."

My hands balled into fists as my fins glowed a bright blue in anger.

"You're lucky I don't snap your neck right now." I glared at her

Before they could do anything else Maya and Mia ran out from the forest. They stood in front of Battra glaring at me.

"Leave mommy and auntie alone!" Maya hissed

I growled at them which caused them to scurry behind Mothra's legs. I turned around and walked towards the ocean.

"Let's just hurry up and get this over with."

"Whatever you say Mr. Grumpy pants." Reva mumbled before taking flight

Your POV

I rolled around in my cage huffing and puffing. I was really bored and the only things I can do is basically roll around or talk to one of the girls. Most of the girls were trying to seduce me, and I won't lie, some of them did look pretty good. Although I would appreciate it more if it wasn't 24/7. Plus I was pretty sure that Crystal was going to let me out this week. I've grown closer to most of the girls here, gaining their trust and stuff. Sadly this didn't seem enough to convince Crystal to let me out.

"I'm boooreedd." I huffed looking up at Crystal in her throne

She ignored me though causing me to pout.

"Please just let me out for a little bit. You and the rest of the girls can watch me!"

Crystal ignored me again which caused me to to go to more...annoying measures.

"Crystal. Crystal. Crystal. Crystal. Crystal-"

"FINE! The girls and I will accompany you the whole time." Crystal sighed rubbing her temples

"Yes!" I whispered softly

A few seconds later the crystals retracted allowing me to stand. Crystal, Diana, and Demona followed me as I exited the cave. The rest of the girls looked at Crystal shocked once they saw me. Me on the other hand was smiling once I saw the ocean.

"Finally!" I cheered flopping into the ocean

The girls giggled as they saw me roll around in the ocean.

"Um Y/N?" Maia spoke catching my attention 


"W-well the g-girls and I wanted t-to know if you w-wanted to-"

She was interrupted by three kaijus landing behind her. I recognized one as Kiryu but the other two I didn't know. I immediately became defensive growling at the trio. I saw out of the corner of my eye some human boats. I put one and one together, which only caused my anger to flare. Crystal and her allies got in front of my protectively. My fins glowed a bright F/C as my anger increased.

"I thought I told you no." I growled looking at Kiryu

"I have little control over my body." Kiryu stated looking down sadly, "The humans are forcing us to do this."

"What do you think you're doing Kiryu?! We're not suppose to tell her that!" The other female kaiju growled

"What's your name?" I asked

"Morgan. Why?" She huffed

"Well Morgan..." I chuckled softly, getting into a battle stance, "I'm sorry for this ass whooping you're about to receive."

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