Chapter 15

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My eyes widen from what Kiryu just said. How is he alive? A full on building landed on him!

"You said he has enhancements like ours?" Morgan asks shock clearly on her face

"Yes. Diana, Maia, Battra, and Reva are barely keeping him and the human reinforcements back." Kiryu says still looking outside

Crystal let's out a low growl the whole cave shaking from it, "These humans do not know there place. They first poison are queen and now they revived him." She sneers with most of the girls circling around her waiting for her command, "Do not show them any mercy. Kill them."

Zariah smirks letting out a roar before running out of the cave. The other girls quickly follow destroying some of the human air craft. Crystal remains by my side treating my injuries. Although she quickly notices that Mia and Maya were by the entrance watching the action.

"Girls stay away from the entrance. You can get hurt."

"But watching mom fight is so cool!" Mia smiles

Crystal sighs forming crystals at the entrance and grabbing the two girls with her tail.

"Aw come on!" Mia pouts as Crystal pulls them away

"It's for your own good. Just think of how devastated your mother will be if you get hurt."

"But we won't get hurt!"

"Girls. Listen to Crystal." I state sternly lifting my head up a bit

Mia pouts while Maya simply nods her head. Maya scurries over to me once Crystal set me down.

"Hey little one." I smile weakly patting her hair

She relaxes into my hand but Crystal grabs her again, "I'm sorry to interrupt but remember the poison can still affect you two. Stay away from her for now."

Maya looks at her with sad eyes before looking back at me making grabby hands, "I'm sorry Maya but doctor knows best." I chuckle

Luckily the girls listen to me staying away from me so the poison so wouldn't get to them. Vibrations from explosions and fighting is non stop causing the two sisters to huddle together in fear. Crystal is tending to my wounds the best she could, replacing the flowers and herbs whenever they finished their job. My body is still awfully numb and I could barely feel my arms. I felt bad about not being able to do anything. I should be the one out there and protecting them. I'm their queen but yet here I am on my back injured and weak.

"Don't start thinking that way." Crystal suddenly states eyeing me

"How did you know?"

"You have an angry look on your face. I knew you must be thinking about what's going on right now."

"But my thoughts are right. I should be out there protecting the girls, not them protecting me. I'm your girls' queen. I should be fighting off these humans and that bastard. But here I am weak and injured."

"Injures come from every battle. The scars you get from them should fill you with pride. Showing everyone what you've been through and how right you are to the throne." Crystal sighs kissing my forehead

The moment is suddenly ruined when the body of Battra breaks the wall of crystals. She forcibly rolls on the floor stopping just short of Maya and Mia.

"Auntie!" Maya cries running to her

A loud robotic roar fills the air and I know who it belongs too. A deep growl resonates in my throat my back spikes flaring up in anger. I try to get up but of course my body doesn't respond as good. I'm able to sit up but my legs are refusing to move.

"That bastard!" Crystal screams looking down at Battra's wings

Her wings were burned. Her beautiful black wings is riddled with holes and it was clearly burnt. There is no way that she'll be able to heal from her injuries. Her pain is clearly evident on her face with tears falling non stop from her beautiful brown orbs. Crystal nostrils flares and she storms out of the cave. My eyes widen when they land on the carnage of the battle. Human ships are on fire and barely staying a float. Oil is leaking from the ships that are sinking and the cries of humans can clearly be heard. Human aircraft litters the ground while Zariah, Leah, and Demona take on my brother. My brother definitely has human enhancements. His whole right side of his face is pure metal, his eye replaced with a somewhat green one. His left arm and torso is also replaced with some kind of metal, along with a few of his back spikes. His left knee down is also a metal replacement. Looks like the whole building thing really did a number on him. Crystal quickly joins the three attacking my brother with a variety of crystals.

My brother screeches in pain when one of the crystals pierces his normal leg. Although it seems to add to his power as he simply grabs it and rips it out of his leg. He growls in pain and eyes Zariah with a pure look of hatred. Zariah flies down to dive bomb him but it doesn't work. My brother throws the crystal right into her right wing, causing her to crash into the ground. He steps onto her stomach making her cry in pain. Demona quickly hops on top of him distracting him from Zariah. I can see Demona wince in pain as my brother's spikes starts to dig into her stomach. Sadly my brother is able to reach over his shoulders, grabbing Demona and throwing her off of his back. She lets out a roar of pain as her shoulder is impaled by some wreckage. Leah hit him with her atomic breath causing him to roar in pain. Although he quickly reacts with one of his own, meeting her blue beam with his own. My eyes watch in terror as Leah's beam is moved further and further back. Her own eyes widen in fear just before she is hit with my brother's blast. She is blown back at full force slamming into the side of a nearby mountain. When the dust clears it's clear that she is out cold.

Now only Crystal remains against my brother. Crystal faces him with a blank face, crystals raising from the ground. My brother snarls at her before charging. Crystal tries to slow him down by throwing some of her crystals at him, and shooting her own beam of light. It is all pretty effective with some of the crystals chipping at his robotic parts. Sadly he persevered through the onslaught slapping Crystal with his tail. It didn't move her much but my brother followed it up with a right hook. Crystal's eyes widen in surprise the punch taking her off guard. She tries to regain her balance but my brother smack her with his tail again. The force of the hit sent her to the ground and my brother didn't hesitate to take advantage of the situation. He grabs her by the throat lifting her off the ground so her feet no longer touch the soft earth.

I could feel my anger rising up as I watch his grip tighten on her neck. I force my body to stand, both Maya and Mia watching me with worry. I storm out of the cave charging up my atomic blast. Crystal begins to kick at my brother, her face starting to turn purple. I couldn't hold my anger back anymore, unleashing my full atomic blast at him. As soon as the blast hit him he drops Crystal before slamming into a mountain. I walk in front of Crystal protectively glaring at my brother as he got up.

"Round two you son of a bitch." I growl cracking my knuckles, "This time I'll make sure you stay dead."

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