Chapter 7

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I charged towards Morgan right as the human ships began firing. Maia and some of the others focused their attention on the ships, trying to get the humans attention away from me. Morgan met me halfway, grabbing both of my hands. I growled and I tried to move my fist towards her face. Although Morgan held her defense, and my hands began to shake. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the third unidentified kaiju coming towards me. With a growl I slammed him with my tail sending him flying into the side of a mountain. Sadly this gave Kiryu a opportunity and hit me with her lightning beam. I screeched in pain as it hit the whole right side of me. I didn't even realize that I took my hands out of Morgan's until she punched me in the face. She followed it up with a uppercut, sending me toppling to the ground. She was about to fire her cannons at me when Maia jumped on her back, clawing at them.

"Stay away from my mate!" Maia growled clawing Morgan's face

"Get off of me you stupid bug!" Morgan huffed trying to grab Maia 

I rushed to help Maia but was hit with Kiryu's tail. I grit my teeth in pain as I tried to regain my balance. That was quickly cut short once I was literally drilled from the back. I screeched loudly as I felt the drills go deeper into my skin. Another beam hit me but this one came from one of the ships. I collapsed to my knees as the kaiju behind me backed off. I looked behind me to see Giana cutting off one of it's drills. The kaiju tried to defend itself while Giana's blades shredded through it's armor. Suddenly I heard an explosion. I looked over towards the sea and saw one of Crystal's crystals in one of the ships. I brought my attention back to the battle to see Maia being thrown into the side of the mountain. She fell to the ground and laid there unmoving. My anger soared. I looked at Morgan before blasting her with my atomic breath. The blast hit her dead on, causing her to fall into the ocean with a shriek. Once I stopped I could see parts of her armor sparking, and one of her cannons had been destroyed. I went to walk towards her when the ships blasted me again, along with these little plane looking things from above. I could feel each hit penetrating my skin causing me to experience immense pain. Kiryu hit me again with her lightning beam, although it was three times more powerful. I let out a whimper screech as I felt my energy diminish. Kiryu looked at me with a look of sadness as I collapsed to the ground. 

Morgan slowly sat up and walked towards me. My eyes began to flutter shut once Kiryu picked me up. 

"I'm sorry." Kiryu whispered to me before my eyes fluttered shut 

Godzilla POV

Me and the rest of Y/N's mates made it to Crystal's island in a few hours. Although once we were close enough I could see wreckage of human ships, along with some of Crystal's allies on the ground. My sister was no where to be found.

"Where is Y/N!" Catherine demanded storming up to Sasha 

"You just missed her." Crystal huffed as Bianca helped her up

"What do you mean?" I growled

"Oh I don't know. Maybe the fucking remains of the human fleet that showed up? The fact that three human kaijus came, and took Y/N!" Demona snarled

"Wait. You're saying that the humans took Y/N?" I looked at her confused

"That's exactly what she's saying dumb ass!" Zariah sneered

"Don't call me that." I growled stalking over towards her

"Don't act like you care." Bianca spoke, "You've never really cared about Y/N anyway. She was never your sister. Just your competition." 

"Competition? What is she talking about?" Mothra looked over at me

"She's just saying false lies to calm down."

"Lies?" Crystal chuckled, "It's not lies. It's the truth. I'm guessing he never told you why he was always so worried about Y/N's power." 

"What's so important about her power?" Reba asked, now curious on the topic 

"He doesn't want Y/N to grow powerful. To grow to her full potential. He's worried because at her full potential she can take the throne from him. He wants to keep it. That's why he sent Y/N to 'her' island, so he could keep track of her and her powers."

"THAT ISN'T TRUE!" I yelled causing some of the girls to flinch

"It isn't?" Sasha questioned me glaring, "Should we perhaps explain to the girls on how we got banished?"

"We know that. You betrayed Godzilla." Battra stated

 "Is that what you told them?" Diana chuckled, "No sweethearts. We didn't betray him. We simply found out the truth. We were going to tell Y/N but he found out. He convinced all of you, even Y/N, that we had some how betrayed him. So he kicked us out. Along with anyone who didn't like his commands."

Mothra, Battra, Reba, and Catherine looked at me shocked.

"I-Is it true?" Catherine asked looking at me with shock 

I rolled my eyes and looked away.

"Come on. We need to find Y/N." I stated walking towards the ocean

I was stopped by vines wrapping around my arms and legs.

"We aren't going anywhere without you answering us." Reba growled

My back flared a light blue showing how angry I am. 

"You want an answer?" I growled as I whipped around to face them, breaking the vines on my arms and legs, "Well it's true. Everything they said."

"H-How could you? You lied to all of us!" Catherine growled

"I did it to protect you all."

"No. You didn't do it to protect us. You just did it for yourself." Battra spat with venom 

"You all wouldn't understand." 

"Sure we wouldn't." Catherine said sarcastically, "All I see is a selfish king who would do anything to keep his throne." 

I couldn't hold my anger back anymore. I surged forward grabbing Catherine by her neck. Although as soon as I did that the rest of the girls growled at me. I could see Leah and Sasha charging up their atomic breath while the others were preparing their own attacks.

"Set her down Godzilla. We won't say it again." Crystal growled 

I stared into the eyes of every single one of them, slowly feeling my anger fade. With a huff I tossed Catherine to the side. She gasped for air as she rubbed her neck. Mothra ran to her side to see if she was okay.

"I'll see you around." I growled as a warning to Crystal before swimming away from the island 

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