Chapter 17

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All the girls turned to me with complete shock on their face. 

"You don't know what JSDF is?" Catherine asks moving closer to me

"No. Now what is it?" 

"It's a human organization that hunts down us kaijus. They hunted your brother down for years trying to kill him." Sasha growls eyeing the piece of ship that has the JSDF letters on it 

"So why did they help him?"

"Perhaps they were scared that you are now our leader. Maybe they think we'll attack them next." Battra suggests

"Perhaps we should." I huff sitting up with a flinch, "Like we said earlier, we need to teach these humans a lesson. They can't attack us without any consequences." 

"I agree with that." Diana smirks her wings flapping with excitement

"But not every human is evil..." Mothra spoke softly poking her index fingers against each other

"So? This world would be better off without them. Believe me I would know." Bianca huffs crossing her vine covered arms

"But we shouldn't kill innocents remember?..." 

The girls began to argue with each other as my mind flash back to the little girl and her mother that I interacted with while I was being held captive. The little girl was completely innocent with little to no fear of anything. She was so innocent. She doesn't deserve any kind of death.

"Mothra's right." I spoke remembering what I said earlier, "Some humans in this world don't deserve destruction." 

"So what should we do?" Giana asks

"We'll have to track down where JSDF is located remember? Then we'll attack. No innocents need to be harmed, only the guilty ones." 

"Sounds like a plan." Zariah smirks punching her open hand

"How will we find their base?" 

"We'll send out our flyers of course." Demona chuckles looking over at Mothra, Reva,Battra, Maia, Zariah, Giana and Diana. 

"WHAT!?" Zariah screeches

"We won't send you all out at once of course." Crystal speaks up, "We'll send you out in pairs or threes. That way you all won't be tuckered out at once." 

"But that's so much work!" Zariah groans flopping on the ground

"You better get used to it then. We need to find them soon before they launch another attack again." 

"Can we at least hunt for some food before we go on shift?" Maia asks patting her stomach as it growled 

"Of course!" I answer, "There's a lot of fish and other large animals on the other side of the isalnd. You all should find some luck in getting some food there."

"Thanks!" Maia smiles before quickly flying off

The other winged girls quickly follow in hopes of food. I look over at Crystal who quickly helps me up. 

"I'm going to go check on Maya and Mia. I just want to make sure they're still safe."

The girls nodded and I start to limp towards the cave.

"Are you sure you don't need any help?" Demona calls out

"I'm sure!" I yell back almost falling over

Luckily I was able to catch myself giving the girls a nervous smile before continuing on my small journey. Five minutes later I stood in front of the cave. Although what my eyes see filled me with shock and worry. The entrance of the cave is blocked off by boulders with only a small hole allowing any kind of air and light in. I rush over and begin to clear the boulders.

"Maya? Mia?!" I call out for them but hear nothing in response 

This sent me in a full panic. I practically threw the boulders out of my way rushing to get them as soon as possible. I could only think of the worst. Within seconds the entrance was clear of any debree and I quickly walked in. Although I didn't see any signs of the twin moth girls. 

"Girls?!" I call out to them again hoping that I would get a response

"Y-Y/N?" I hear Mia's voice

"Mia where are you?" I ask her looking around the destroyed cave

Suddenly I hear the pitter patter of feet before feeling something hug my leg. I look down to see a teary eyed Mia hugging my leg tightly. With some effort I kneel down to her level, enveloping her in a hug. I lean back so my E/C eyes look into her blue ones.

"Where is your sister?" I ask wiping away her tears

"T-They took her!" She cried pressing her face against my leg

"What? How?" 

"W-While you were fighting t-that mean k-kaiju some ship came in scanning stuff. M-Maya lept out to attack it but it s-shot her with this beam and she s-stopped moving! Then this w-weird thing came down f-from the ship and started c-carrying her out of the cave!"

I couldn't say anything from the amount of shock I was in. Those humans DARE think that they can just take my daughter and get away with this!? My breathing pick ups as anger started to course through my veins. Mia noticed this looking up at me with scared eyes.

"I-I tried to save her b-but I was too scared and my b-body wouldn't move!" She crys even more her little wings and hands trembling

I look down at with sympathy trying to get my anger under control.

"It's okay. You were scared. We'll find your sister but for now come on." I pick her up allowing her to sit on my arm as she cried into my neck

I make my way back to the girls and I notice that Mothra and the others were back from their hunt. Mothra is eating what looks like fish when she spots Mia and I. She drops her meal and rushes over to us as she spots her crying daughter. 

"What happened?!" She asks me taking her daughter into her soft arms

"The humans took Maya." I simply state feeling my back spines glow with anger

"What?" Morgan says in disbelief 

I only give her a nod as I turn to glare at the human wreckage.

"Then what are we standing around for?! Let's go find my niece!" Battra growls expanding her wings

Crystal nods looking over at Diana, "Diana go with her. Make sure she doesn't do anything too rash."

"As you wish." Diana gives a small nod quickly flying after Battra 

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