Chapter 9

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Two weeks later....

Your POV

It's been awhile since I've been stuck here with these humans. I haven't seen the woman or her daughter Karin around either which is starting to worry me. That damn bastard might've done something to them! Although I did over hear them talking about some kind of device. I looked over to the door as it opened, spotting Liam and a couple of his 'friends'. They wheeled in something which seemed to be like a large needle. They rolled it to over to my side in which caused me to glare at them. 

"You touch me with that and I'll kill you." I snarled

They didn't seem to understand me and ignored me, continuing to prep the large needle. I eyed them carefully as they lined up the needle with my side before shoving the tip into me. I screeched in pain and tried to move away, but to no avail. They emptied the contents inside my body before pulling the needle out. Within seconds my vision began to become blurry.

"Alright. Everyone to the observation room. The serum should take affect here shortly."

Liam's friends listened to him walking out of my 'cell'. Liam gave me a smirk placing his hand on my snout. Oh I so badly wanted to snap his little hand off. 

"Just a few more minutes.." He whispered before walking off 

Crystal POV

Y/N's been missing for a few weeks now, and the girls are starting to lose hope. We have no idea where those humans took her but we all miss her. Well everyone except for her 'brother'. 

"Crystal! Crystal!" I heard Maia shout from behind me

I turned around facing her.

"What is it?"

"We've found her! Y/N's being held hostage by humans on a island!"

"Being held hostage?" Godzilla scoffed, "Perhaps Y/N is weaker than I thought."

Zariah, Giana, and the rest of the girls glared at him.

"Why don't you keep your mouth shut." I snarled, "Before we all kill you."

He rolled his eyes but shut up nonetheless. 

"Are you sure that you've found her?" I further questioned Maia

"Yes! We've even found those robot girls that helped the humans!"

"Then what are we waiting for? Lead the way!" Leah demanded

Morgan POV

After Kiryu and I's talk I felt some kind of pity for Y/N. The humans seem to be making all these special serums for her, and I'm starting to believe that Kiryu is right. Suddenly my servos was switched on and I could hear a human in my head.

"Go to hangar H7. Make sure the sister Godzilla doesn't escape."

I slowly moved to hangar H7 and stood guard. I don't feel like forcing Y/N to be here anymore. I mean it isn't fair to her. Once I was in position Kiryu landed beside me a few minutes later. 

"I can't believe they've kept her this long." Kiryu whispered

"Me too."

Suddenly we heard a screech of pain coming from H7. A few minutes later the hangar was destroyed, and a very mad looking Y/N stood where it used to be. 

Back to your POV

I breathed heavily as the remains of my cell were in pieces around me. I could feel the contents of the syringe flowing through my veins, pumping me full of energy and adrenaline. I also have the sudden urge to...dominate things. Especially other kaiju. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted Morgan and Kiryu, looking at me with worry. I turn around to face them, making sure they weren't of any threat. After a few intense moments of eye contact I deem them not a threat. I let out a low growl turning to the rest of the human base. My back spikes flared a F/C before I shot my atomic breath at the other buildings. I could hear the panic screams of the humans as they ran around, trying to find any vehicle to escape. I stormed around the base destroying anything I could. Morgan nor Kiryu did not move to stop me, but instead they seem to be helping me. They destroyed any human vehicles and weapons as I continued to destroy the base.

"You thought you could just hold me here!?" I screeched swiping a helicopter out of the sky, "Keep me here against my will!?"

I smashed a few tanks with my tail as they tried to sneak up behind me. I swatted a few more helicopters out of the sky until I saw the little girl Karin, out of the corner of my eye. Both her and her mother seemed extremely frightened at what was happening around them. I started to walk over to the two of them, only for them to take off running. They didn't make it far though, and I scooped them up with my hand. Karin's mother clutched onto her for dear life, and she hid her face in her mother's neck. I gently  grabbed a nearby helicopter and placed the two inside. Even though I was pissed off at the moment I couldn't kill someone who was innocent. I let go of the helicopter and it quickly flew far away from me. Suddenly the ground around me began to shake before vines smashed out of the ground, wrapping around me. 

"Y/N~" I heard Bianca purr as she wrapped her arms around me, "We missed you so much~" She placed a kiss on my cheek 

I was able to turn around in her vines so I could face her. I placed a kiss on her forehead but that was before I saw who was a few feet away. My right eye twitched as I saw my brother Godzilla, a few feet away from us. The dominant side of me came out again, seeing him as a threat. I wouldn't mind getting rid of him though. He turned and finally made eye contact with me. All my anger and adrenaline came back again all at once. 

"You." I snarled pushing Bianca away, "I'm going to murder you."

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