Chapter 13

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A few weeks later....

Your POV

It's been a few weeks since the human missle attack and I must say, everything is going pretty well. The girls have settled into the new island pretty well and there hasn't been any real fights since we've moved.

"Y/N! Look at my wings!!" Mia squealed running over to me while flapping her wings

"They're very pretty Mia." I smile picking her up

Both Mia and her sister had recently molted, and their wings began to look more and more like their mothers. Although Maya was more shy about them, always worried that something might hurt them.

"Where's your sister?" I ask her as she climbs on top of my shoulders

"She's with mama. Mama is trying to have Maya be more confident in her wings."


Mia giggles clutching onto my shoulders tightly. I walked around with her on my shoulders for awhile until Diana and Sasha approached me.

"Y/N~" Sasha purrs wrapping her tail around my waist

I take Mia off my shoulders making her whine.

"I want to go back up." She pouts reaching for my shoulders

"Not right now Mia. I'll give you another ride on my shoulders later okay?"

"But why?"

"Because it's time for Y/N to have some adult time." Sasha smirks as I roll my eyes 

"Adult time?" Mia asks confused

"Your mother still hasn't explained it to you?" Diana asks a sinister smirk making it's way on her face

"No. Am I suppose to know what adult time is?"

"Well adult time is-"

"No. Don't you dare Diana." I glare at her covering Mia's little ears 

"Aw come on~She's going to know sooner or later~" Diana giggles as I removed my hands from Mia's ears 

"Mia go and find your mother okay?"

"Aw okay. See you later Y/N!" Mia gives me a small hug before running off

"Ya know I'm beginning to think that her and her sister are just here to block us." Sasha huffs uncurling her tail from my waist

"Well that's a good thing for me." I chuckle 

"It's a bad thing for us." Diana growls crossing her arms, "Reva's the only one that actually got to mate with you. We can't get any chances with you when they're with you all the time."

"Oh well." I snicker shrugging my shoulders

"I wouldn't get too cocky." Sasha smiles wrapping her arms around my shoulders as she leaned down to my ear, "They aren't here anymore~" She purrs seductively 

Diana quickly moves in, pressing her chest against mine. Now I was stuck between two, most likely horny, kaiju. 

"N-Now girls how about we-"

"I don't think so Y/N. You're not talking your way-" She's cut off by the sound of something roaring, and it's definitely not a kaiju. That only meant one thing: humans. 

Before I could even say anything we were bombarded with human missiles. Diana quickly protected herself with her wings, while I grabbed Sasha and protected her with my body. I grit my teeth in pain as the missile exploded against my back, some of them actually wounding me. I thought they would stop, but they were never ending. Haven't they ran out of missiles already?! I thought charging up my atomic beam. Right before I turn around to destroy them I hear explosions. The missiles stop, and I turn around to see Battra, Mothra, and Reva destroying the planes. 

"Take this you pieces of trash!" Mothra growls destroying two ships with a beam

I won't lie, I'm rather surprised at Mothra's actions. She's usually trying to defend the humans, and plus this is the first time I've seen her angry. Battra of course backed up her sister while Reva made quick work of the ones that try to escape. They land quickly running over to us.

"Is everyone okay?" Battra asks

"Yeah. These humans are getting too cocky. They've tracked us down again. We need to do something!" Diana sneers blasting a nearby rock

I tone out their conversation as the stinging pain in my back started to get stronger. I grit my teeth in pain once again, trying to ignore the pain. I hoped it would subside but it didn't. 

"Y/N?" Mothra's soft voice breaks my thoughts, "Are you okay?" She places a soft hand on my shoulder

"Y-Yeah." I stutter trying to shield my back from her

"No you aren't." Battra states coldly and I could see her eyeing my back, "Your back is injured." 

"Look I-I'm f-fine-" I go to walk forward only to stumble and almost fall 

Sasha and Reva catch me keeping me up on my feet. I saw Sasha say something to Diana before she flew off. They carefully set me down on the ground, making sure my back was facing the sky. A few minutes later I heard the sounds of vines unwrapping. I felt soft hands on my back, and I realized the owner to be Bianca when her vines wrapped around me. 

"Hmm this looks like a type of poison in the wound."

"Poison?!" The girls shriek looking at me worriedly 

"Yes but it's not enough to kill. It may weaken and paralyze her for a few days though. I'd best take her to Crystal to make sure."

The girls nod and allow her to carefully wrap me in her vines.

??? POV

"Our pilots successfully located the sister Godzilla sir."

"Good. Did they inject the poison?" I ask looking down at the magnificent creature below me

"Yes they did, but sir they were all killed..."

"It doesn't matter. Send letters to their families and implant the coordinates into Godzilla's brain." 

"But sir-"

"I DON'T CARE!" I scream slamming my fist down on my desk, "He is ready to release his vengeance. After a few minor touch ups today I want him to launch tomorrow. We've upgraded his body and prepared for weeks. I don't want to waste anytime. The sister kaiju might be moving islands as we speak. Even though the poison will weaken her alpha genes, those other female kaiju are still able to aid her. I won't loose her again."

"Y-yes sir! I'll alert the scientist right away!"

"You better." I mutter as he scurries out of my office 

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