Chapter 14

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Your POV

Bianca set me down on the cool floor of the cave as Crystal walked towards us.

"So the humans have poisoned her?" She asks eyeing my weak form

"Yes. They put them in their missiles that came after Y/N and Mothra's young." Giana snarls glaring at the entrance of the cave 

Crystal's gaze turns into a glare and she kneels down next to me. I offer her a weak smile as she places her hands by one of my wounds. Her gaze hardened once she saw the multiple other wounds on my body. Her tail swished behind her with anger before she turned to Zariah. 

"I want you and Demona to go out and find me as many Red Spur and Purple Darnow flowers as possible.  We need them to stop the poison."

Zariah and Demona quickly nod and run out of the cave. Diana sat down on the other side of me, gently intertwining our hands. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Maya and Mia holding their mother's hands tightly. Worry is clearly evident in their eyes making me feel sad that they have to see me like this. They try to walk towards me but Crystal stops them with her tail.

"We don't know if the poison is contagious or not."

"Then how can you be so close to her?" Maya asks softly clutching onto her mother's leg 

"I'm not from this planet. Most of your diseases and poisons I'm not affected by."

Mia seems to pout before Mothra motioned them to the other side of the cave. Crystal looks over at Diana as her tail wraps around me.

"Diana I need you, Maia, Battra, and Reva to keep an eye on any humans. We don't want them to come and try to finish her off."

"Of course." Diana nods, letting go of my hand and walks towards the entrance 

She is followed by the other called girls and they quickly exited the cave and began their patrol. I could feel my body getting weaker by the minute and Crystal seemed to notice this. Her grip on my hand tightened and she placed her other hand on my cheek. 

"Just hold on for a little longer Y/N. Zariah and Demona will be back soon."

I nod releasing a groan once a wave of pain hit me. I grit my teeth as I felt the poison moving through my veins. I suddenly felt the urge to twitch, my arms and legs getting a tingling sensation. Following the tingling sensation I felt something starting to travel up my throat, burning my neck and nose. I jerk forward and a red liquid spills out of my mouth as I begin to cough. Crystal's eyes widened once I smelled the scent of iron in the air. A sense of panic overcame when I recognized it to be my blood. The rest of the girls jumped back, slightly scared of my sudden outburst. Maya and Mia hid their faces behind Mothra's legs too scared to look at my condition. 

"Shit." I heard Crystal mutter before she wiped my blood of my lips with a cloth 

She helped me lay back down the cool stone bringing me a small sense of comfort to my overheating body. Suddenly the sound of footsteps were heard at the entrance of the cave. Crystal looked up with a stern glare, only for it to soften once she saw Zariah and Demona with armfuls of the requested flowers. She quickly ushered them over and the two quickly obliged. I could feel myself getting weaker as everyone looked on with worry. Crystal began to crush the flowers in one of her crystal bowls. Demona bit her lip in worry as she and the others watched on with concern and worry clearly in their eyes. Crystal turns back to me with the crushed ingredients in the bowl.

"Now I'm going to tell you this as a warning.." Crystal glances at me cautiously, "This is going to hurt."

"W-What e-else is n-new?" I whisper trying to lighten the mood

Crystal gives me a small smile before grabbing some of the crushed concoction. I take a deep breath as her hand hovered over one of my wounds, the concoction dangling dangerously close. In one swift motion she poured the concoction in my wound. I tense up in complete pain and I let out a roar in pain. Crystal flinched with regret before Catherine and Leah rushed over, keeping me restrained to the ground so I wouldn't further injure myself or Crystal. Crystal quickly gathered more of the concoction and started to distripute it to my other wounds. Tears were streaming down my face by the time she finished, my whole body feeling like it was on fire. Catherine and Leah slowly let go of me, unsure whether I would lash out. I felt completely paralyzed as the cure began to take effect. 

"Okay the concoction will take a  few minutes to take effect. She should be able to walk in an hour."

"Really? That fast?" Morgan asks skeptical

"Yes. Both flowers combined make a very quick and powerful healing process." Crystal sighs standing up, "Now-" She was suddenly interrupted by an explosion

"What the hell was that?!" Zariah screeches 

Kiryu rushes over to the entrance of the cave. Her worried face turned to one of anger once she spotted what was outside. 

"Those humans are here." She snarls her weapons powering up, "Reva and the others are trying to take care of it but they are out numbered." She was about to say something else when a huge 'BOOM' was heard. Her head snapped to the left of the entrance and her eyes widen in surpise.

"What is it?" Mothra asks as her children run to the back of the cave

The two twins hide behind one of Crystal's large crystals, shaking with utter fear. 

"No way...." Kiryu mutters

"She asked you a question robot!" Zariah snarls

"It's Godzilla. He's alive. H-He has enhancements like mine.." She spoke with complete shock

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