Chapter 3

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??? POV

I heard a buzzing noise before I finally opened my eyes. I looked around my surroundings to see that I was in some type of spacious warehouse. There were metal ladders on both sides of me, from my feet all the way to my head. 

"She's ready to fight the sister Godzilla sir." I heard a voice in my head that seemed to be coming from my ear

"Excellent. Kiryu."

I moved my head to look at the glass in front of me. I saw two men inside along with people in white lab coats. The taller man seemed to smirk as he saw me react to his voice. He spoke to the smaller man next to him before shouting something at a woman in a white lab coat. 

"Map systems online." A feminine voice spoke, "Pinpointing the objective island." 

Suddenly my systems began to scan for an island before it finally landed on one. 

"Kiryu your mission is to track and capture this sister Godzilla alive." The man from before spoke 

Without even responding to him I turned on my thrusters. The ceiling above me opened allowing me to fly out. I quickly ascended and moved towards my target.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/N getting tackled by chibi Maya and Mia

I finally landed on the island after what seem like hours. My thrusters cut off as my feet hit the sand. I looked around for my target but I didn't see her anywhere. Although I did spot a small girl on the beach. She seemed to have short light purple hair, blue eyes, and what seemed to be like brown skin that dwarfs her small body. She looked up at me with fear but my face remained unchanged.

"That seems to be a baby kaiju!" The same man spoke again, "Grab it Kiryu!"

I leaned down and gently grabbed the small kaiju, keeping a tight grip to keep her in place but not hurt her. She squirmed in my grip as her little eyes grew even wider with fear.

"MAMA!!" She cried as tears fell down her cheeks

"What is she saying?" The man demanded me but I started to feel sad. I didn't want to scare the poor baby kaiju. 

Suddenly my target came running out of nowhere growling.

"Put my daughter down!"

For some reason I felt connected to her, almost as if we knew each other. 

Your POV

The mysterious kaiju kept staring at me despite my command. Mia was squirming in her hand and I was starting to become impatient. Although she had a familiar scent to her. It seemed like my family's scent. 

"I said put. Her. Down." I growled as my back spikes pulsed with F/C to try and intimidate her

After a few seconds of awkward silence passed by before she slowly set Mia down. Mia ran to me and clutched onto my leg with pure fear. I bent down to her level placing my hand softly on her back.

"Get back to your mother and sister. It's much safer there."

She nodded and quickly ran away. 

"I do not mean to hurt you, nor do I want to." The girl spoke

"Who are you?"

"I believe my name is Kiryu."

"What do you mean you believe?" I asked narrowing my eyes at her 

"I woke up and a human spoke what I believed to be my name."

"So did humans make you?"

"I do not know. Although they most likely did since the differences between you and I are very...noticeable." She mumbled 

"What are you doing here then?"

"The humans wanted me to track you down and take you back to them." 

"I am NOT lowering myself to those humans. I will not go with you."

"Please I don't want to hurt you."

"And I gave you my answer." 

She let out a sigh before aiming her arms at me. Before I could realize what was happening I felt pain in my upper chest and stomach. I let out a screech in pain and tried to over my stomach. I was about to retaliate when Kiryu suddenly uppercutted me. She slammed her tail into my side causing me to fall to the ground. She walked towards me and I took a shot at her tail with my legs. It worked causing her to fall on the ground. I straddled her, opening my mouth to fire my atomic breath. She quickly pushed my chin up, causing my atomic breath to hit the ocean. She kicked my stomach and quickly flipped us over so that she was on top. She pinned my tail with hers, and pinned my hands with one of hers. Her red eyes connected with mine as she raised her fist.

"I'm sorry."

Right as she was about to punch me she was attacked from the side, causing her to fall to the ground next to me. She shakily got back up glaring at the sky. I spotted Mothra and Reva in the sky as they dived back down and attacked Kiryu again. Kiryu fired multiple rockets at Reva who easily destroyed them with her wings. Although Kiryu had a back up plan, firing a yellow beam from her mouth. It hit Reva dead on causing her to fall. I quickly caught her with my tail before she hit the beach and gently set her down. Mothra was still distracting Kiryu allowing me to attack her from behind. I slammed her with my tail causing her to screech in pain. She turned around to attack me and I quickly scratched her weird armor. Although I went a little higher then I wanted, breaking through her armor to reveal one of her 'mountains'. My eyes widened as Kiryu looked at me shocked.

"U-Um I know we should be fighting but just know that was a total accident!" 

Her eyes narrowed as she grabbed my wrist forcing it away from her chest. She was about to fire her yellow beam at me again when Mothra hit her with a beam of her own. Kiryu almost collapsed on me allowing me to take a swipe at one of her shoulder thingys. I completely destroyed it, crushing it with my claws. Mothra went in for another attack but was hit by Kiryu's tail which soon also hit me again. I toppled to the ground again, falling on my tail causing me to let out a yelp in pain. Kiryu seemed to pause for a moment before she began to fly. My eyes widened as she quickly flew away from the island. Once she was out of sight I flopped down on my stomach.

"Y/N? Are you alright?" Mothra asked me placing her soft hand on my back

"Yeah I just, I just think I'm going to take a nap." I stated before laying my head on the sand and going to sleep 

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