Chapter 18

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4 Hours later....

Battra and Diana have returned from their search a couple hours ago. Feeling confident that they could lead us to these humans, the rest of us begin to prepare for our attack.

"You're coming back right?" Mia asks her wings fluttering behind her nervously

"Of course we are." Mothra smiles comforting her child

"Why can't I come? I don't want to be here alone.." Mia whimpers now clinging to her mother's leg

"It's too dangerous for you to come my little moth." She smiles placing a kiss to Mia's forehead, "How about we get Morgan to stay with you hm?"

My eyes glance over at the robotic kaiju as she tenses at the sound of her name. Although Mia's eyes widen with pure joy and excitement. 

"Yay! Auntie Morgan!" Mia giggles running over to her and hugging her leg

"Yes Mia?"

"Please stay with me! I don't want to be here alone especially when the humans might come back." She looks up at Morgan with puppy dog eyes

Morgan looks at me and Mothra for help but I shake my head. Mothra mouths the word 'please' to Morgan making her sigh. 

"Alright I'll stay." She forces a smile on her face as she picks up Mia before twirling around 

Morgan takes her to the other side of the island while the girls and I group up.

"Here's the game plan," I speak up looking at all of the girls around me, "We'll be split into two different groups. Diana will lead Crystal, Mothra, Maia, Catherine, Zariah, and Sasha to attack from the north end of the island. Battra will lead me, Kiryu, Giana, Reva, Bianca, Leah, and Demona to attack from the south end. My group will attack the main power source so we can knock out their communications and fuel their chaos. We'll compress them before our final attack."

The girls nod, disbanding into their groups. We make sure everyone is prepared before deciding to move on. 

"Alright everyone let's go!" I growl diving into the water

 Time skip brought to you by chibi Maya and Mia climbing on a sleeping chibi Y/N

I let out a roar before leading the charge. It seems to take the humans by surprise as they scramble to get to their defenses. I didn't spare them any mercy however, destroying most of their tanks, helicopters, and ships with my atomic breath. Giana and Demona go straight for their power source, destroying it with ease. 

"Kiryu, Reva go and find Maya. The rest of us will take care of these humans."

The two nod before running towards more human buildings. I slowly begin to stray away from the group of kaiju girls continuing on my path of destruction. I destroy buildings left and right with my atomic beam while stomping on any small, unimportant, humans on my rampage. As I make my way towards the east side of this pathetic island I recognize a building. It's in the same style of the building that the humans held me captive in. I walk over to the building standing over it for a few seconds debating on whether to destroy it or not. Although I have a strange feeling about it so I carefully remove the roof and the sight that greets me almost brings me to my knees. Inside the building is a tied down, bruised, and wounded Maya. I lean down hoping to see some sign of life. Tears gather in my eyes when I didn't see any. My breath starts to become labored before I unleash an almighty roar of anger into the sky. I wrap my arms around her unmoving body pressing her protectively against my chest. 

I feel like a complete failure. I was suppose to protect her! Yet here she is, dead in my arms, because of-my thoughts pause when I feel a slight movement in my arms. My eyes widen when Maya's eyes connect with mine.


I huff with relief, smiling at her happily as she places her hand on my face. 

"I-I'm here." I sob holding her even tighter

Even though I would like to enjoy this moment I could tell she was still weak, and on the verge of dying. I let out a low rumble one that Mothra could pick up on. Sure enough within 3 seconds she was by my side.

"Maya! My baby!" Mothra tears up taking her daughter out of my arms

"M-Mama.." Maya sobs snuggling into her mother's soft fur

"Mothra you need to take her back home. She's close to death." I whisper the last part so Maya doesn't hear me 

Mothra nods just as Crystal, Bianca, and Leah arrive.

"Crystal, Bianca I want you to go back with Mothra and treat Maya." I command them 

"Of course." Crystal nods both her and Mothra quickly flying back to the island

"Hopefully Mothra's life force bond with Maya will keep her alive until we arrive. I'll give you an update when you get back to the island."

I nod and she quickly disappears as her vines encircle her. I take in a deep breath before turning around to face Leah.

"Tell the girls to leave nothing left of this island. Kill all the humans and show no mercy. What they have done to Maya is unacceptable." 

"Yes my queen." Leah looks at me worriedly placing a kiss on my cheek before going to tell the others. 

One last time skip brought to you by chibi Maya and Mia cuddling with chibi Mothra 

It's been a year since the complete destruction of that human island. Thankfully the other humans have learned from this and they haven't bothered us at all. Sadly due to her injuries Maya could no longer talk and lost vision in one of her eyes. This, of course, made me, Mothra, and Mia extremely protective of her. The other kaiju girls and I have gotten closer too and Crystal has been trying to find ways in order to have children together. To be honest I'm actually happy for once. My brother is gone, the humans are no longer a threat, and my harem are ready to start a family. I'm glad we finally have peace to do that. 


And t-t-t-that's all folks! This book is finished! I hope you all enjoyed it! 

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