Chapter 2

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Demona POV

Diana and I finally landed on our island empty handed. We headed over to the cave where Crystal and the others were waiting for us. 

"Where's Y/N?"

"We couldn't defeat her. The bait worked perfectly but her brother got back up before we could subdue her." I spoke up and helped Diana sit down by one of the radioactive crystals 

"I told you they couldn't do it." Giana huffed 

Crystal only rolled her eyes and stood from her crystal made throne. 

"We told you that her brother would interfere." Sasha growled, "He's the most powerful out of all of us but you underestimated him. Especially with his protectiveness around Y/N."

"That's funny." Zariah giggled, "Didn't you and Leah get kicked off of Y/N's island because you underestimated them both?"

"Shut up dragon." Leah glared at her

"Make me lizard." Zariah shot back

"Enough." Crystal sighed, "Since Lena and Sasha is the most experienced when it comes to Y/N they'll lead the next attack. Bianca will go with them as back up."

"What about the other female kaiju on her island? Like Catherine." Maia growled



"Can you go another round? I need you to help Bianca distract the other kaiju while Sasha and Leah take down Y/N." Crystal spoke and all the girls turned to me

"Of course. Anything to get Y/N."

"Good." Crystal smirked

??? POV

"Sir we've tracked down the sister godzilla!" A privater ran up to me holding a file

I took it from him and turned back to the hologram.

"Where is she?"

"She's landed on a island about 600 miles from here."

"And Godzilla?"

"We lost track of him in Antarctica." 

I groan in frustration, rubbing my eyes with my fingers. 

"Are the models ready?"

"Of course sir! They're ready for inspection."

I tucked the file under my arm and walked out of the report room. The private hurried after me trying to keep up. I walked over to hangar six where one of our two models were being kept. I scanned my thumbprint on the door and it quickly opened. I walked in as scientists and engineers were finishing the final touches. I looked up at the model in complete awe.

"What do they call her?"

"They call her Kiryu. She was built from the skeleton from the original godzilla. They then used Godzilla's DNA in her computer system." 

I nodded in acknowledgement.

"What about the other two models?"

"Both Morgan and Moguera are ready."

"Good. I want them to move out as soon as possible."

"All three models sir?"

"No. I want Kiryu to go after the sister godzilla. Moguera will be sent to track down Godzilla while Morgan will stay here in case anything happens."

"Yes sir. I'll notify you when Kiryu's final touches are finished."

"I'll be expecting that private."

Your POV

I laid in the shallows trying to relax in the ocean. I was enjoying the sunlight until I felt something land on my back. I let out a small growl and tried to shake the kaiju off but it didn't work. I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw Reva smiling at me. 

"Sorry Y/N but I thought you were a rock." She giggled and hopped off of me

I turned around and laid my head on the beach.

"How do I look like a rock?"

"Well from above I can't really tell your spikes from a flat rock so you just looked like a nice inviting rock to land on."

"Can't blame you. I will admit I do look pretty inviting~"

Reva rolled her eyes and laid on the beach in front of me. I couldn't help my eyes as they wandered down her body. My tail started to wag as they went from her eyes, to her boobs, to those oh glorious legs. 

"You see something you like alpha?~" Reva smirked and crossed one leg over the other

I gulped as she moved closer placing her hand under my chin. She moved closer as her wings extended, and hid our face from any prying eyes of nearby kaiju. She softly pressed her lips against mine. I immediately kissed back and propped myself up on my arms. Reva pulled me closer and her boobs pressed against mine. I licked her bottom lip demanding entrance but she denied me. I let out a small growl and pressed my body against hers, pinning her to the beach. My hands moved to her ass giving it a small squeeze. She let out a small moan and I used the opportunity to slip my tongue into her mouth. I easily dominated the kiss and Reva wrapped her arms around my neck. I eventually pulled away with my eyes looking down at her with a predatory gaze. Reva smirked and leaned forward so her mouth was next to my ear.

"It's mating season for me ya know~"

She looked at me with lust in her eyes. I leaned down and placed small kisses on her neck and she let out tiny moans. I nibbled and nipped at certain spots on her neck, leaving a few marks. I trailed the kisses down to her chest but sadly I was interrupted by something slamming into me.


Oh shit. It was Battra. I felt her grab me and pulled me off of Reva. She started attacking me with a fury of slaps and I raised my hands to protect myself. 

"Calm down woman!" I yelled

"How dare you try and mate with someone after you flirted with my sister! You playgirl!" 

"I didn't flirt with her!" 

"I heard your conversation! You even claiming that you might as well be their father!"

Reva pulled her off of me holding her tightly by her waist. I sat up and rubbed my face as she struggled in Reva's grip. 

"Calm down Battra." Reva spoke

Battra continued to struggle but Reva held her tighter. Eventually she ran out of energy and stopped moving in Reva's arms, breathing heavily. I walked over to the two and put my hand under Battra's chin. I lifted her head and looked her in the eye. 

"I stated that I was like their father since he left her. I care for those kids as if they were my own. If Mothra wanted I would have no problem in becoming their father. Also..." I leaned in close to Battra's ear, "If you two would let me I would love to become your mate."

Battra's face exploded with a blush as her wings shot out. 

"I-I-H-How did you e-even-!" Battra stuttered and stumbled away from me

She quickly turned and flew off leaving me with a confused Reva.

"IS THAT A YES OR A NO?" I shouted to Battra but she didn't respond

Reva shook her head and wrapped her arms around my neck, pushing her boobs against my arm. 

"Well now that's covered can we get back to mating?~"

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