The Angels of Carrigan Castle: Chapter 1

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                “Everyone is in place, Sir.” Sloan turned his head slightly to see his left tenant walk up beside him, weapons in hand. “When the gates open, the first demons out will not know what hit them.”

                Sloan nodded his head, turning back to stare at his target, a small grassy hill in the middle of Scotland surrounded by nothing more that bushes, trees and the occasional sheep munching on the luscious grass that draped the country. This hill was Sloan’s quarrel. This hill is where he and his men were taking their final stand. This hill was the gateway into Hell.

And all Hell was about to break loose.

For too long angels like him and his army let the Archangels of Heaven make bad choices that effected the rest of the World, and the rest of Heaven.

For too long he sat aside while nothing was being done to help the human’s from their appending doom, form the appending apocalypse. He watched from the safety of Heaven while demons ran loose around the World, raping and killing at will. He watched as Lucifer’s most deadliest of demons broke free from their prisons, causing wars, famine, disease and death. He watched as a once mighty family ignored their brother and let his minions torment the Earth. For too long he accepted that this was how everything must be done.

Michael and his brothers in Heaven spent far too long deciding on what needed to be done with their youngest brother. As they watched the World deteriorate under them they argued among themselves, some wanted to bring their armies together and fight against their brother and his war, while others said the World was full of sinners and needed purging. Some just did not care, they wanted neither war not peace, they just wanted to stay in Heaven and let what should happen, happen.

“Lexington,” He said, not taking his eyes off the hill for he feared the moment he did the gates would burst open, “I once again offer for you and the others to abandon this mission. If the demons do not destroy us, surely the Archangels will.”

The other man laughed, putting his hand on his friends strong shoulder, “Sloan, you are my oldest friend, I would not abandon you to fight all of Hell on your own. No matter how many times you say it, no matter how many times you ask it of me, I will not leave you. None of us are going to leave you.”

Sighing, accepting defeat, Sloan looked around the grassy meadow to where his men were waiting, lying low until the gates swung open.

From where he was standing he could see Britannia, an excellent archer, waiting meters away in cover with her deadly shot, an arrow that never missed its target. By the grassy hill itself lay two more of his men, Keon and Vaden, waiting by the gates to kill as many demons as they escaped as their swords could hit.

The fourth member of his group, Bane, Britannia’s twin brother, walked up behind Sloan and took his position on his other side. This man, Lexington and himself were going to draw the demons away from the gates, allowing the others a chance to see Lucifer as he left, to cut him down before his rein on the World above his own started.

The darkness of the night took them, the large and full moon being the only light they had been given, the stars acting as twinkling lights in the darkened sky, as though the Heaven’s decorated them for the show, for the show of a lifetime.

For days now they have laid in wait for the gates to open, a demon they had captured had told them when and where to be. Of course demons lie, they fear death, they fear punishment, they fear angels and most of all they fear their master.

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