The Angels of Carrigan Castle: Chapter 23

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I don't really like the ending but whatevs I am going to go back and fix it, hopefully come up with something better. it's in past tense which i now realize i do not like but i have been working on this one FOREVER and i just tried it out. i am going to redue as though it's happening in the now. THIS IS NOT THE LAST CHAPTER though it does end, there is something more just in someone elses view and then it's all done =) 24 chapters, prettty good i think! anyways comment and rate i guess, message me if you want? i am pretty nice if i do say so myself, i will respond!!!             

  He was going to stay with her, he was not going to let her go, ever. If someone wanted to take her away from him they were going to have the fight of their lifetime. Eleanor was his, and even in death he was not letting her go.

                It had only been a few months, but she had become the light in his life, the reason for his existence was to be with her. For thousands of years he had roamed the Earth bedding women and being in relationships that he thought had true and powerful meaning behind them, he had been wrong. A thousand times over he had been wrong.

                For all the searching he had done, he never assumed the woman he would want to spend an eternity with would show up at his door. He never thought that a woman who was forced to live in a castle with him would be as funny, lovely, innocent and beautiful as Eleanor.

                He could hear Bane and Britannia were waiting inside the steps. Britannia was asking her brother to come downstairs and leave him alone with his pain, while Bane was protesting that someone needed to stay, be there to comfort him when he was finally ready to let her go. He could hear Britannia swear and huff before mumbling someone about finding the others to help her.  With a final sigh he heard Bane descend down the stairs.

                An army couldn’t pry him away from her.

                He could find a way to kill himself, all he had to do was slit his throat, take off his head, stab his heart. His only obstacle would be the others, Bane was probably going to be around him for a while now, making sure that he did nothing of the sort.

                But what other choice did he have? If they couldn’t be together in life, they could be together in death. Where did Angels go when they died? He had died once and come back, would it happen again? A second chance at life? A second chance to save the World, to find the woman he loved?


                He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, it was like she was speaking to him, her voice running through his head as though she were right beside him. Her voice was going to torture him for the rest of his days, her natural rose scent was flaring into his nose.

                “Sloan.” The pain, the horrible pain rushed through his system again. He needed to get this over with, plunge a dagger into his heart. Maybe one of the others could help him, do it for him to clear his conscious of any wrong doing. Vaden may be willing, if he begged. “Sloan.”

                He squeezed his eyes shut tighter, grinding his teeth and groaning in pain. “Stop! Stop torturing me!” He yelled, to no one in particular, “Leave me alone, leave me alone...” He bowed his head, there was no way he was getting through this, he only had one option.

                “Sloan...” Tears rolled slowly down his face, he had not cried since, ever.  He had never shed a tear, not for pain, not for joy, not for death.

                He felt a tickling on his cheek, it was a gentle stroke of a finger tip. He was going insane, he could feel the fingers caress his cheek then slowly and carefully twirling his hair. “Sloan,” the voice said again, “open your eyes silly, I’m right here.”

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