The Angels of Carrigan Castle: Chapter 18

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                Sloan awoke to Eleanor’s soft body still pressed against his, her face nuzzled close into his chest with one of her hands laced with his. Taking a deep breath, he inhaled her flowery sent, wrapping his arms around her naked body.

                He blonde hair, which seemed to grow at an unnaturally fast rate, was flanked across her shoulders in waves, her pink pouty lips were pressed tightly together. Sloan had seen women in the morning looking like the Loch Ness Monster, but not Eleanor, somehow even after all the tossing, turning, hands running through her hair action, she still looked as though she was ready to walk the runway.

                The sound of a phone vibrating across the desk drew him from his thoughts. He looked across the room to where he left his phone, it started buzzing again. Whatever it was that one of the others wanted it could wait, right now he was preoccupied.

                Eleanor stirred slightly, frowning in her sleep as the phone went off again. Slowly her eyes opened and she smiled back at him, “Good morning.” Her voice was scratchy, as though she was using it too much the night before, they had gotten a little loud but no one was around to hear them.

                “Morning.” He mumbled, kissing her soft, pink lips. “You should go back to sleep, you look exhausted.”

                “That’s because I got a workout really late last night.” She laughed, pulling the sheet around her chest and sitting up beside him, the sound of the buzzing phone drew her attention across the room, “I think someone is trying to get a hold of you.”

                “They can wait.”

                “What if it’s something important?”

                Sloan kissed her on the neck, then gently kissing her as he made his way up her neck, across her jaw and to her mouth where he planted his lips on her own, putting his hand on the back of her head and pushing her in closer to him, “They can wait.”

                “Agreed.” She pushed him back on the bed, he felt her lips kiss down his body, making her way down to his swelling member, her touch sent shock waves through his system every time. She took him in her mouth. It was pure ecstasy as his lips ran over him again and again.

                The phone in the corner of the room continued to beep and vibrate, ping and ring as it danced across the desk. Sloan put the phone in the back of his mind, what he and Eleanor were doing at moment was far more important that what anyone had to say to him. He knew all his angels could handle whatever it was that was causing them troubles or problems, he had faith that they could figure everything out without him, they have been doing that for over four hundred years already.

                Eleanor’s lips left him and she sighed looking over to the desk, “Answer it.”

                “No it’s fine.” Sloan sat up and wrapped his arms around her waist as he kissed and nuzzled her soft neck, making her giggle.

                “It’s obviously important.”

                Sloan sighed and ran his hand through his hair, which was tangled and sticking up from the night they just shared. Swinging his legs off the bed he felt that first cold rush of air coming off all the frozen stone around him. In a couple of short steps he grabbed his phone off the table and looked through all the messages, phone calls, pictures and emails. “Jesus...” he mumbled, as he read through everything.

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