The Angels of Carrigan Castle: Chapter 10

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Chapter 10  

Eleanor soft lips were tightly pressed against his, her hands bunched in his hair. She tasted spectacular, very sweet like a strawberry flavoured candy. Her skin was soft against his, and cold from standing out in the winter winds. She kissed him for a long time before pulling away, the moon was dancing off her gorgeous face, reflecting in glasses.  

"Sorry." She mumbled bringing her fingers to her lips. She stood there staring at the ground behind him like she was shocked about her actions. She must not be the type to kiss men she barely knew, a good thing too because she was too good for that, hell she was too good to be human and not an angel.  

Sloan smiled and stepped closer to her, "It's okay, I liked it." He gently traced his finger down her soft cheek. Her eyes looked up at him and she smiled.  

"Are you just saying that so I don't get embarrassed and run away?"  

"Eleanor, I liked it. Trust me when I saw I have never had a better kiss in all my centuries on this planet." She was still smiling, still looking at him and most importantly still standing in front of him. She had not run away when she learnt of what he was, she had not run away when they argued, not even when another angel fell from the sky and he asked for her help, and now she had not run away after their kiss. Smart, beautiful and brave, this was the world's perfect woman.  

"You know you never answered my question."  

"And which question are we speaking of." He asked, though he already knew. She had asked him why he hated her, and he did not hate her. He loved everything about her; her smile, her voice, her laugh, her eyes, her brain and of course he loved her body. He did not want to tell her that he loved everything about her down to her last painted finger nail because he did not want her to spend her short life in the castle never allowed to travel the world, never allowed to live somewhere else, and most of all never able to find someone who truly loved her and could give her a normal life. But now they had kissed and she knew there was something more to his emotions and was now pressing him for information he wish he could tell her.  

"Well?" She asked again, she was getting impatient, tapping her finger against her crossed arms. She was not taking her eyes off him, but this time they were filled with confusion opposed to lust and admiration.  

"I don't hate you." He simply said, that would not satisfy her with why he acted as though he did but maybe it would allow her to accept there were some things he did not want to share with her. The thought made him laugh, he would tell her all about a demonic apocalypse but he would not tell her the reason he asked her not to stay was because he felt something for her, something he had never felt once in his long life and that feeling could possibly be love.  

"You don't hate me don't particularly like me? Is that what you're getting at?"  

He liked her alright, how could someone not like her? He had over heard her talking with Maria about her old boyfriend who had broken up with her on her birthday because he was with another woman. Whoever the boyfriend is, that man is an idiot. He could not see that he had perfection in his arms when he held her, or when she would say 'I love you.' The man was lucky Sloan could not leave the castle or he would have flown to New York and slammed the guys head into a wall, maybe knocking some sense into him. "I like you, there is nothing about you I do not like, there is nothing about you one could not like it is just extremely complicated and I don't want you to think about it or look into it. Please?"  

"You don't want me to look into it? Please just tell me why you were so rude to me the night we met, I want to know what is going on in your head. Please, let me in Sloan."  

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