The Angels of Carrigan Castle: Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

                If one could physically lie on a cloud, Sloan assumed that it would feel much like he was feeling. Soft, warm, cushioned and extraordinary were some of the words that came to mind. Turning over he felt around the soft Egyptian cotton for Eleanor’s warm body, she wasn’t there. Slowly he opened his eyes and looked around the room, his shirt from the day before was missing as well. She must have put it on and left.

                Slowly he got out of his bed, the cold of the morning hitting him like a brick. Quickly he found a pair of old jeans and threw a hooded sweatshirt over his chest before leaving his room and quickly making his way downstairs. Decades ago he use to be able to hear everything that went on in the castle, sometimes hearing things he did not particularly want to hear.

                As he came to the second floor he could hear more clearly what was going down underneath him, Bane was still watching television ad Eleanor was wandering around talking to him about mindless things, errands she wanted to run, things she wanted to see.

                Coming to the bleak and dark main floor, he stepped into the kitchen to see her running around the room opening cupboards and writing on a slip of paper, “What are you doing?” He must have startled her because she jumped at the sound of his voice, “Sorry, I did not meant to scare you.”

                She waved her hand and turned back to her paper, “It’s fine, I’m just making a list of things to get at the grocery store, I cannot believe how little there has been in this place as of late.” She closed the last cupboard and turned quickly, a smile coming across her face, “Anything you want?”

                He shrugged, “I can’t think of anything for myself but I think you should go nuts and get every form of junk food for Bane, the man needs an education on modern day obesity.”

                “Oh really? Why don’t I just stop and get some beer too, lots of it.” She gave him a small smile before grabbing the keys to the old car and heading towards the small door at the back of the kitchen, “Oh and I was also going to look for a gym or something, a book club anything I can use as a place to meet people while I am here for the next sixty plus years.”

                The idea of her going out alone in the World now that it was about to come to an end frightened him, but he knew the others who had owned the castle needed at output, somewhere where they weren’t watching a castle, where they weren’t harbouring a fallen angel. If she was going to live with him for the rest of her life, he was going to have to let her have some sort of decent one. “There are several gyms in the town.” He said tilting his head North, “Just follow the main road out of here it will take you right to town.”

                She nodding once before closing the door behind her, Sloan waited as she attempted to turn on the car, failed several times before the engine roared and the thing sprang to life. He wondered if she even knew how to drive a standard, going to the window he watched as she stalled it a couple of times down the driveway, finally getting it near the end and zooming off down the dirt road.

Going in to the entertainment room, Bane had changed the channel off his talk show and was now watching breaking news coming from Rio de Janeiro.

It seems that every gang in the city has come out and is now in war with one another. The female commentator said, dubbing over the Portuguese. Early this morning there were several reports of gunshots and screams. Police came to the scene to see many gang bangers had come into one of the city’s main streets with one goal in mind: kill. So far there have been over a dozen casualties from both gang members and civilians. It is unclear what caused this uproar but one thing is certain; this is long from over. “Do you know what that means?” Bane asked quietly, his finger hitting the button on the remote faster than the channel could change.

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