The Angels of Carrigan Castle: Chapter 4

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Chapter Four  

Sloan was sitting in the kitchen of the castle, her could hear Minnie's coughs wherever he went, and it was disgusting. Yes the poor old woman was sick and dying, but couldn't she do it quietly? She had a fairly good life, managed to alienate herself from her entire family, cut off all social ties with the four people who lived in the area and the few hundred goats and sheep that were around. For a human life, she really had managed to make it very pathetic, and she was going to die that way as well.  

Another loud cough and some choking, she had been getting sicker for several months now, called in some doctors to come and check up on her every few days because it was too difficult for her to go into town as the only car she owned was a standard and it was hard on her knees to depress the clutch. It was from 1945, and Sloan had taken out the engine and tried to put it back together a few times out of boredom. Whenever the doctor's had come Minnie would answer the door in her weak and feeble state he would go and stay somewhere in the castle quietly. Once she had had the guts to ask him if he would let the doctor's in and introduce himself as her grandson who was helping her out.  

Of course he said no, but now he was regretting his decision to be so mean to the old women. Yes she was annoying, but really out of everyone who had lived in the castle she had been the best. Everyone else who had been in charge and had been a man and had tried to train him, almost like a dog or child. First they try being nice by allowing him to roam around causing havoc when bored, throwing things off the roof to see how far he could throw things. Next they would become slightly more stern, getting mad when he did something they didn't like, and eventually the frustration turned into anger and eventually an attempt at murder. Sloan always managed to defuse situations such as those by overpowering the man, threatening his family, or in one or two cases killing them.  

But Minnie was different, she never become angry with him, not to his face, and instead of ignoring him she would try to get him interested in activities to occupy his time. The first thing back in the 1960s was music. She had gone into the town and bought him some records of bands such as the Beatles. Next she bought him a guitar and some books to learn how to play, he never did but it did occupy him for a few weeks. Later on when she had her own children she had spent a lot of money to buy him a computer, which he was interested in. As the years went on she would update his model, buying him books on programming and guides on what was coming out. Right now he had several desk tops with a few more notebooks, each one he was well versed with using, able to fix them if they got a virus, assuming a virus could get past his self made killer firewall. Minnie even convinced him to take online school courses in computers, he had taken several to pass more time. Sloan was a computer genius thanks to that old dying woman, and the research he could do on his computers would put Bane's collections of novels to shame.  

He didn't care about the humans who had to live with him, he was an angel and mortal beings are nothing, and in the grand tapestry of life they are on the same level as bacteria, which this castle is crawling in now. That thought made him shiver, he couldn't get infected but he always liked to have a clean house. When he was here with his warriors the place was a mess, but as the years went on the place had to be spotless and the mortal would have to do all the cleaning as he would become enraged if they let someone come in and clean the place for them. But Minnie was different, she really was, but he couldn't allow himself to show that he cared. What would his warriors say if they for some miracle walked through the front doors of the castle and saw him caring for some old women? Britannia would laugh calling him weak, as would Bane. Vaden and Keon would never let him forget about it, calling him modern insults such as a 'pussy.' But the worst would have been Lex, who would have looked at him with disgust.  

A pain went though his head, thinking of his old friends always sent a sharp pain through his head, he assumed it was because of guilt. It had been so long he should really stop thinking about them, hell some of them had to be dead by now. Using the internet he had been tracking demon omens all around the world, and one of them would have eventually caught up with one of his warriors.  

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