The Angels of Carrigan Castle: Chapter 12

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Chapter 12  

Even with balmy temperatures of seventy-nine farenheit outside, closer to ninety inside the club, the population of young adults of Honolulu came to Xstasy every night drinking away their money, flirting with each other, using drugs and hooking up. It was the best club on the island, a higher degree of class attracted those with more money while at the same time the prices were not too outrages that the average islander could not enjoy themselves.  

Keon was sitting in the VIP lounge of his club, surrounded by the head of his security team, the floor manager and several local women who were enjoying the company of the very wealthy owner. Malo, the head of security was going over a list of names of possible drug dealers in the club at the moment, while Alika the floor manager was talking to one of her many employees about how to better run the club via a walkie-talkie. Though Keon was the owner, the only real interest he had in his club was money, and it made a lot of money. On a busy night he was raking in $20,000 in drinks, and because of the amount of money he pulled in, he only trusted himself with the banking.  

"Hey baby, what are you thinking about?" One of the young women asked gently caressing his chest.  

"Quantum physics and parabolas." Keon mumbled taking a sip from his crystal class filled with a very fine brandy. The young women slouched back into her chair the many necklaces on her neck sparkling in the lights from the chandelier about them, her bracelets chiming together to make a fake plastic sound. It was past midnight now, the height of the night when the most amount of people were inside, there were still hundreds waiting in the line to be let in.  

The club reflected nothing of the Hawaiian culture Keon had grown to love, inside looked like a gentlemen's club from the eighteenth century with columns along the walls, leather furniture, mahogany finishes and dark paints and woods with dark wood and blood red carpets on the floors. There were several chandeliers on the ceilings. Keon had hoped the high class appeal of his business would scare away the potential for illegal activities such as drugs, and scandalous acts of random sex in his clean bathrooms.  

And of course this was a mistake.  

Just like every other club in existence there was thousands of dollars worth of products bought and traded inside his precious club, ecstasy; heroine; pills. He had spent thousands on security measures and more thousands on security guards. Nothing seemed to work, and the waste of human's who had been carted out of his club on stretchers or in body bags made him pity the human race ever more.  

Keon's blood boiled at the thought of what he sacrificed in order to protect the god damn human race, and how much of a waste they had come to be since then. Most were lazy, others were drug users and lazy, the rest were idiots and lazy. Very few who enjoyed the club actually worked hard for their money they were throwing a way on drinks and drugs, and those who did work for their money were wasting their time on drinking and using.  

"Alika, send these ladies back down to the floor, make sure they are comp'd for the rest of the night." Keon said looking over at his floor supervisor. She nodded, her short dark hair staying in place as it was gelled up into spikes. She ushered the women out of the VIP box and down the winding stairs to be lost in the sea of bodies.  

"Good choice, they were annoying." Malo said reading another text message from one of his guards outside, "It's busy out there, people are getting angry."  

Keon nodded and took another drink, "Well either they can start arriving earlier and line up or I should expand."  

"I have been wanting to talk to you about that, we make enough that we can expand and the clothing place next door is relocating, we could buy the building out and redecorate?"  

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