The Angels of Carrigan Castle: Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

As soon as Sloan knew whose voice it was calling him through the winds, he knew he had to save him from his fall. At first he did not know what to think, who would know his name? Furthermore who would know where to find him other than his lost friends?  

Taking the plunge off the roof, Sloan saw as his old friend crash into a tree, falling off course and into the lake. Why was he not using his wings? And how could he have come down from so far above? They had all been banned from Heaven, and the speeds he reached could not be achieved through a fall simply from the sky.  

As he soared down to the icy waves, he could hear Eleanor on the roof yelling that she was searching the water but 'that guy' had not re-emerged. Frantic now, Sloan hovered above the waves searching for any sign of life, any sign of thrashing and movement not created by the winds and the waves. There was nothing. "WHERE ARE YOU!?" He yelled to the waves, it had been so long since he had seen one of his old comrades, and now that one has come back to Carrigan Castle, he may be forever lost and swept out to the sea. Sloan knew the man could not die from lack of oxygen, or the fall and crash that sent him into the lake, but with broken wings and shattered bones climbing out could take weeks if he was not found.  

Finally, as if it were a miracle, a hand crashed through the surface of the icy waters. Sloan lunged forward grabbing the hand and pulling with all his might. Soon more arm, and eventually a head was pulled from the water, "I've got you, I've got you!" He kept repeating. His comrades eyes were closed, and he was covered in cuts and bruises. When he had a firm grip, Sloan changed his position and grabbed the man under his arms and pulled him straight out of the water and flew him to shore, gently placing him down on the frozen, grassy beach.  

It was Bane.  

"Bane, Bane open your eyes and look at me." He said moving the short black strands of Bane's hair from his face. Slowly, his lids opened to reveal pain flooded bright blue eyes looking around at his surroundings.  

"Sloan..." His words were weak, he sounded as though he was unsure of the man standing in front of him. Using his arm that was not broken and bent out of shape, Bane reached forward and lightly touched Sloan's face, "My God..." His arm fell and his eyes closed once more.  

Hefting the man up, Sloan pushed off from the ground and flew to the top turret where Eleanor was standing, staring at him, staring at the bundle in his arms.  

"Is he ok?" She asked when the men landed next to her. Sloan did not answer but hurried inside, Bane needed to get his bones put back in place before they would have to re-break them to do it. Quickly he ran down all the stairs, Eleanor followed. "Where did he come from?"  

"I don't know." Bursting into his bedroom, he laid Bane down on his bed, the man was still soaking wet and his face was deranged in pain. Taking a look at the injuries in the light, Sloan was able to see the extent of the damage. Bane's right side was completely crushed from hitting the tree, he was also cut up and bleeding all over. The worst and most painful of all were his wings, one of them was broken, badly and in several places.  

"We're going to have to re-break the bones in his wings." He said gently running a finger down the soft feathers. Bane winced at the touch and mumbled something incoherent.  

"What do you mean we?" Eleanor asked stepping in line beside him and looking at the damage, "Can't you get him to pull his wings in and we can take him to a hospital?"  

"And explain the mended bones in rapid time how? No we have to do this now while he is unconscious. It will still hurt him but his movements will be limited, Eleanor please, I cannot do this alone. I need you."  

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