Hate him

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"So Brooke, you know those guys you were telling me about? The ones with the videos?"

"Yes? what about them?" I say getting excited.

"Well I searched them up and I found out they were having a tour and they are coming here to California so I bought two tickets for you and one friend."

There was a silence that filled the room. I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. I wasn't. I was so happy I couldn't talk. All I did was get up hug my mom and run up to my room and call taylor.

"Hey girly" was how she answered the phone.

"Tay! You're never gonna guess what I just found out!"

"Tell me now."

"I GOT TWO TICKETS TO GO TO MAGCON THIS WEEKEND!" I screamed through the phone.

All I heard on the other end was a scream. We started talking about it and we eventually ended the phone call because it was late and I had to get to sleep.


I wake up all on my own this time. It's Wednesday, which means only 3 more days until Magcon. Good thing we are having one of our breaks at school the week after Magcon. I get ready for school, ate some breakfast and I left with my sister. We aren't as close as we used to be. Not since dad left 2 years ago. But whatever. We'll work our way up.

School gets out and I go to my locker with Taylor when I see that Julian is walking towards me and Taylor. I don't like Julian very much. Considering I have a past with him. Not a relationship, more like a friendship that turned into a rivalry. Before he could walk up to us I pulled taylor away and went to leave the school.

"Awe c'mon Brooke don't be such a bitch all the time!" he yells. I stop in my tracks. did he seriously call me a bitch? I turn around and walk back to him

Once I was close enough I said "at least I'm not a man slut that goes around fucking every girl in the school."

"I wouldn't fuck you" he smirks

"I wouldn't want you too." I smirk back and walk away from him holding up a peace sign.

Taylor just watched the whole thing happen right then and she started laughing while she drives me home.

"You were right I'm so over him" she said making me laugh. I love my best friend.

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