Everything is complicated

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I walk back to the meet and greet to see that almost all the fans are gone. some were left but they would be leaving soon because they were already meeting the boys. I sighed and walked back over to the table. Taylor saw me and asked

"Are you okay? You seem depressed."

"Yeah I've been told." I replied rolling my eyes.

"Okay what's wrong?" he asked me.

I sighed for like the thousandth time today. "nothing I just have a really bad head ache and I'm tired. I just have a lot on my mind so yeah..." He nodded not anting to push the subject any further.



I'm so tired but I have to make a new video for my YouTube channel. I set up the camera and was about to hit the record button when I had a knock on my door.


I walked over to the door to see Taylor standing there.

"Um hi?" I said looking him in the eyes

"Hey so everyone went out and I decided to stay here because I didn't really want to go... so I thought maybe you and I could hang out?" He asked hopefully. I gave him a slight nod and opened the door further so he could enter. I guess he saw my video camera because he say down in front of it and asked

"Are you filming something?"

"Yeah but I just don't have any ideas for my YouTube channel."

"We could do activities that our fans suggest. We could ask them on twitter what they think we should do?" He said pulling out his phone. I nodded and went onto twitter.

"Hey guys! About to post a YouTube video but i need activities and suggestions. Tweet them to either me or @Taylorcaniff he'll be in the vid too! Thanks loves! 💕✌️" I tweeted it and instantly got replies back. I turned on the camera and started.

"Hey guys it's Brooke and in back with an all new video because I haven't posted in a while. In here with my very good friend Taylor Caniff." I motioned to Taylor.

"Hey everybody!" He waved a little too enthusiastically to the camera. I laughed.

"So I asked you guys on twitter for some suggestions on what to do and I got a bunch of replies. So let's get started."

I scrolled through until I landed on a random one, and this was not a good choice. I sighed once again.

"Okay so this one is for Taylor and it's from @Alicia_caniff13 and she says "Taylor... Twerk on Brooke for 10 seconds." I said with absolutely no emotion. He laughed and got up an started twerking.

"Oh my god! Get your ass out of my face!" I said in between my laughs.

"You know you like it! plus there are still 4 seconds left." he said trying to hold in his laughter.

"4...3...2...1 times up!" I said pushing his tush out of my face. He flopped down on the bed and grabbed my phone to look for the next question.

"Okay this one is from @jessie_dillson474 and it says "This is for Brooke, yell out whatever window is closest to you and say "I HAD SEX WITH RYAN GOSLING!" My eyes widened but then I smirked and walked over to the window. I pulled it up and yelled

"I HAD SEX WITH RYAN GOSLING!!!" I saw a lot of people below me laugh their asses off while looking up. Some were video taping and others had a disturbed look on their faces. I turned around to see Taylor on the floor laughing his ass off. I glared at him and sat back on the bed grabbing my phone. I went through the questions again and picked another random one.

Oh shit

"Okay so this one is from @mendesbae_xx and um it says "Taylor kiss Brooke on the mouth."

Why!? why the fuck is this happening? Why the mouth like seriously couldn't it be the cheek or neck? everything sucks. It's not that I don't want to kiss him, it's just that I don't want to lead him on. Or hurt his feeling a like I did with the other boys...

Taylor got up from the ground after he finished his laughing attack and sat on the bed very close to me. He looked into my eyes and then down to my mouth. He pulled a strand of hair behind my ear and started leaning in. I leaned in a little too until he captured my lips. I didn't just feel fireworks... I felt a fucking explosion throughout my whole body. This kiss was nothing compared to the ones I shared with Matt or Shawn. This one was special. He put his hands on my waist. I then realized that the camera was still recording. I pulled away and looked at the camera.

"Well that's the end of this new um video. I'll probably be doing another one soon but I don't know. Anyways thanks for watching love you all! Mwah! Bye!" I blew a kiss to the camera.

"Bye guys love you!" Taylor said to the camera. I shut it off and me and Taylor were in silence. I was waiting for the video to

Upload to YouTube when he broke the silence.

"Why are you all quiet?"

"What do you mean? I'm uploading a video." I said quietly.

He sighed.

"Did you not want to kiss me?"

I looked up at him.

"What kind of question is that?" I stood up and set my laptop on the dresser.i heard foot steps behind me. I turned around and looked up to see Taylor face to face with me. He licked his lips. I looked into those big brown eyes and fell into a trance.

"It's the kind of question a guy wants to know when he's not sure of something." He smirked. His face only inches from mine. I glanced at his lips and back into his eyes.

"I never said I didn't want to kiss you." I said in a quiet voice.

"Did you want to stop?" He asked getting closer. I had butterflies in my stomach. Wait no fuck butterflies I had the whole feeling zoo.

"Did you?" I questioned back.


"Then no." And with that he captured my lips and his. It was a passionate kiss. Nothing I shared with Shawn or Matt. His tongue swiped my bottom lip asking for entrance and I gladly excepted. Our tongues danced together. We pulled back for air but connected once again. His arms snaked around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck. I tugged at his hair earning a low groan from him. I smiled into the kiss and so did he. We pulled back and rested our foreheads together breathing heavily. We were interrupted by a knock at the door. I groaned. I let go of Taylor and he released my waist. He went back to sit on the bed. I answered the door to see Cameron and he was carrying a passed out Matt on his shoulder.

I have them a confused look until I saw that Matt's face was beaten up. He had a black eye. Dry blood under his nose and his face was bruised. he had a cut on his lips too.

"What the fuck happened!?" I yelled at Cameron as he laid Matt on the bed. Did I mention that we were sharing a room? No? Well we are.

"Some guy asked us where you were. He said he knew you but Matt tried to tell him to get out of here. The guy overreacted and attacked Matt. He tried to fight back but the guy was big." Cameron said. Oh my god.

"Did he have really dark brown hair? Hazel eyes? And looked about 6'2?" I questioned. Why the fuck does Cameron not remember this dude?

"Yeah... he looked familiar but I don't know... Why do you know him?" He asked scratching the back of his neck. Matt groaned but didn't move.

"Jonathan, that's Jonathan." I replied in a low voice. Cam's mouth dropped. Lightbulb.

"Wait wait. who the fuck is Jonathan?" Taylor asked confused.

"He's my ex." I said in a low voice.

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