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"Kill yourself"

"No one likes you."

"Go away."


All these insults rumbled through out my mindas I sat on my bed looking at my ceiling. I sigh. Really loudly might I add. I have no one. Not even Tay. Taylor. My best friend, just slipped out of my hands, and I have no idea why.


I called Tay after I took a shower and left mine and Sammy's room.

"Hello?" She grumbled in an annoyed way. I furrowed my eyebrows together in confusion but I shrugged it off.

"Hey Tay. I need some help."

"What, did you're perfect world come crashing down? Did you break a nail? Aw, poor you." She said and I could practically feel her rolling her eyes.

"Um...no. Um...Nash and I sort of um... Well he kissed me." I sputtered.

"So what you cheated on Shawn?" She sighed.

"Well, it's not like I kissed ba-"

"Slut." She cut me off.


"Did I stutter?" I could feel hot tears form in my eyes, trying hard to blink them back.

"Why why would you say that?"

"Because it's true." She said. A tear slipped down my cheek, but I hastily wiped it away.

"I-I thought we were best friends..." I trailed.

"Things change. People change. Get over it."

"I don't understand."

"Let me put it simply. You are pathetic. You think youre hot stuff but guess what... youre not. In case you havent notice half of the whole Magcon fanbase and more hates you. You're nothing but a no good, two-faced, slutty bi-" I hung up the phone before I could hear anymore. To say I was sobbing was an understatement. I was dying inside. I didn't know how to handle it. It's like my whole world came crashing down on me and I couldn't do anything about it.

They hate me.

Tay hates me.

Shawn hates me.

Matt probably hates me.

Taylor hates me.

Nash hates me.

Sammy hates me.

They all hate me.

I hate me.

Flashback over

"What's wrong with you? You've been all... mopey." Sammy said from across the room.

"Why do you care?" I asked, sitting up to look at him. He smirked.

"Mopey doesn't usually look good on hot chicks like you." I rolled my eyes and say back in my bed, curing up under the covers. I haven't gotten out of bed in 3 days. Nor have I eaten, or socialized with anyone but Sammy. Mahogany has stopped by my room to talk to me but I always ran into the bathroom when she showed up.

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