The club

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The guys are leaving tomorrow in the afternoon so Tay and I thought it would be a good idea for all of us to go out to a club. Rockers is a club for people under 18, but they still sell alcohol and all that shit. I'm probably not going to be drinking though because, well, I'm a lightweight.

Before we go I get dressed in a sexy tight black short dress. Over it is a leather jacket with studs and I'm wearing black 3 inch heels. I thought it wod be stupid to go in heels but according to Tay

"You have to wear heels to a night club!" So now I'm stuck with these little fuckers. Damn you Tay. Once everyone is ready we get into two separate cars. Tay's and Shawn's. Nash, Taylor, Jack and Jack J already piled up in Tay's car so I'm going with Shawn, Cameron, Matthew and Mahogany. Shawn and Mahogany were upfront so I was stuck in the back in between Cameron and Matthew. Great. I feel the tension between those two. Matthew's voice rings  through my ears saying "You look beautiful tonight" I blushed and said thanks. Cameron hasn't talked to me since the date. Did I do something wrong? I was about to ask him when we pulled up to the Night club. It was only 9:00 so the night was just getting started.


About two hours later half of the guys were drunk. Tay and I were on the dance floor. I felt a pair of hands grab my waist and I saw Taylor grab Tay's we started to dance with the guys. Our hips were in sync with every move. It wasn't sexual it was just, dance. The song ended and I turned around to see Cameron. He looked completely wasted. He pulled me closer to him and started to kiss up my neck.

"You're so beautiful just be mine already. Stop toying with all of our hearts and fucking pick someone." He snarled at me.

"Cameron stop it you're drunk let go of me and we'll go get you some water." I tried to get him to release me but instead he gripped my wrist and held it was tight as he could.

"Let go of me!" All the memories of what Jonathan ever did to me came rushing back to my mind. I was on the verge of tears when I heard a familiar voice say

"Cameron stop let her go." it was Matt. I hugged him and he said

"I told him to let you go because I wanted you all for myself." He smirked. I could also smell alcohol in his breath. I tried to back away but he held onto my waist while trying to dance with me. He started moving his hip and his hands started trailing up to my breasts. I slapped his hands. He looked angry. He lifted up his hand as if he was going to slap me. I screamed.

As I was waiting for the slap I heard Matt say.

"Get the fuck off me man!" I look up and saw Shawn holding back Matt. I completely forgot about Tay. I looked over and saw Taylor trying to get on her as she was refusing. I walked over there and kicked him in the kiwis (if you know what I mean 😉) he fell to the floor and Taylor and I left the club.

"I don't ever want to see then again! They were my role models and look what they did after just a few drinks!" I yelled to no one in particular. Tay just stayed silent, I think she might be in shock. A least she's walking. We got to the car and drove to the hotel. I hope Mahogany can handle herself. It's weird because as I said that my phone went off. Mahogany.

"Hey Mahogany are you okay?"

"N-no Brooke please come back and get me. I can't be here anymore." she sounded like she'd been crying.

"Okay let us just pack really quick and we'll be on our way." she said okay and I hung up. We packed all of our stuff and made our way to the club. We picked up Mahogany, dropped her off and said our goodbyes. To be honest, I think the only ones I'll miss out of everyone are Mahogany and Shawn. I don't even know if I have feelings for Cameron or Matt any more. Hey, I might even miss Barty boy. And with that we drove off back to San Francisco.

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