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I rushed into the hotel room that I was sharing with Matt and all the guys were there.

"Guys you'll never believe who I just met!"

"Did you get my Chipotlet?" Hayes asked completely ignoring what I just said. I rolled my eyes and continued to what I was saying

"I just met Brooke! The new singer."

"Okay cool but did you get my Chipotlet???" Hayes asked once again. I threw the Chipotlet bag at him and he pretended to fake cry.

"That's great Cam. But why is that such a big deal. We meet other celebrities all the time." Nash said while scrolling through twitter.

"Well I guess I felt attracted to her. And I got a picture with her!" I guess I started fan boying over this but what can I say?


"Taylor! Get down here and get your Chipotlet!" I yelled as I walked through the door. She ran down the stairs, skipping a few steps causing her to fall, which made me laugh my ass off!

"It's now funnyyyyyyy." She whined

"Oh but it is..." I said my laughter dying down. She grabbed the Chipotlet then sat on the couch.

"So you'll never guess who I saw at Chipotlet."

"I swear to god if you tell me you met a member of 5SOS and didn't give him my number I will kill you in ur sleep." I started laughing but she stared at me with a serious face.

"Oh you were serious."

"So who did you see?!"

"I saw Cameron."

"Cameron? as in Cameron Dallas?" She asked confused. I just nodded.

"Well shit. Did he remember you?" Taylor can be clueless sometimes.

"Taylor, I am Vine and YouTube famous. If he didn't remember me he would probably know who I am." I guess a lightbulb went off in her head because then she just said "ohhhhh" I rolled my eyes and she asked if I wanted to go to the beach tomorrow since it's my day off from the studio. I said okay.


The next day I wake up and it's 12:00 in the afternoon. Ugh. it's so early. I get up and go to Taylor's room.

"Get up" I say kinda quiet. She doesn't budge. That's when I get an idea. I quickly grab my phone and go back down stairs. This is why god created social media. To share with the world the horrible things you do to your friends. I start recording and walk up to Taylor's bed. "3,2,1" I whispered to te camera "AHHHHHHH" I scream at the top of my lungs in Taylor's ear. She wakes up surprised and rolls off her bed. I'm in the middle of a laughing fit. I press post. once I do that Taylor tackles me to the ground.

"Brooke! What the fuck!" she yelled at me.

"I thought I should wake you up with a surprise." I smirk at her.

"Go get changed into your bathing suit. We are going to the beach in 20 minutes." I told her. I walked up stairs and changed into my bathing a suit. a regular Tiffany box blue bikini. I keep it simple when I comes to bathing suits. I grab my surfboard and rash guard and head down stairs. (A/N: in case you didn't know a rash guard is something to put over your bathing suit for when you surf so you don't get a rash from the board)

We get to the beach and I put my sunglasses on. For the first couple of minutes I start to tan. After that I put on my rash guard and head over to the water. It's calm but still has waves that are able to be surfed. Before I start paddling out I hear someone call my name. I turn around and see Cameron. He's with the other boys. Great. I then realize that he's not he one that called my name. I see Shawn running towards me. he tackles me in a hug. I hug him back. I missed his hugs.

"Brooke! I'm so happy to see you!"

"You too! How are you?"

"Fine but I miss you! hey did you run into Cameron yesterday by any chance?"

"Why what did he say? Did he say he recognized me?"

"No but your all he's been talking about." he says I blush.

"Okay well keep an eye on Taylor for me. I'm gonna go surf." And with that I start paddling out into the water on my board. No one else is out in the water.

I continue to paddle until I see a wave coming. I paddle closer to it. Once I'm close enough I go under. The water hits my face. It feels incredible. I come up and stand on my board, surfing through the barrel. I hear people shouting my name. Sounds like they're cheering me on. I look to see who it was and it was the boys. I get distracted and fall off my board and into the water. I come up for air and head back to the shore. The boys come up to talk to me. Great! (note the sarcasm)

"Hi, Brooke. Um we just wanted to say that we saw you on the waves and it was epic. We also wanted to say that we are big fans. I'm Carter, this is Matt, Nash, Jack, Jack, Hayes, Cameron, Taylor, Aaron and... Hey guys where's Shawn?" Asks Carter. Shawn here too?!

"He's with some bimbo girl over there." says Taylor. Oh hell naw.

"Hey sorry but that "bimbo girl" over there happens to be my best friend. I can't believe you guys. Do you seriously not remember us?" I asked with adittude dripping from my voice.


I think it's her. But it can't be. In one year she can become famous? Well it is LA so....


"What?" she asked her voice still full of anger.

"No, is it you? from one year ago? Magcon?" I asked still unsure of whether it was her or not.

"Yup that's me! And that's tay the girl who is STILL my best friend." she said looking directly at our Taylor. He looked guilty.

"You remember her don't you Taylor? Or are you to famous to bother to remember an amazing girl like Tay just because your Taylor Caniff?" She said. She had a point. Taylor is a player.

"Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go talk to Shawn and Tay because they seem like the only people I actually want to be around." And with that she walked away.



"I still can't believe they said that about you! They didn't even apologize!" I was so pissed off right now I can't even explain it.

"Brooke, calm down they are just immature boys that needed an ego boost." Tay said. That made me laugh.

"I guess you're right." I laid back on my bed when my phone rang.


"Hi Brooke? This is Bart. I'm the tour manager of Magcon."

"Hi Bart."

"I wanted to know if you would like to join us for the rest of the Magcon tour?" I didn't know if I wanted to go or not. if I said no I would be rude. Plus this is a big opportunity and my manager Kate would think that it would be great for publicity.

"Of course, would you mind contacting my manager though. I think you and her should work out a schedule for my recordings at the studio."

"Yes I will do that. Your flight leaves on Sunday at 6am."

"Thanks I'm looking forward to it." and with that I hung up. I told Tay what was going on and that in going to miss her. She said that it's alright because she'll have Brendan stay here.

"Okay but just don't leave any used condoms any where or I will like puke all over your bed." I said. She punched me in the shoulder. She left my room and I went to bed drifting to sleep as soon and my head hit the pillow.

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