The audition

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I get to the studio that my manager wanted me to meet her at. I'll admit I'm nervous about this audition. I only read over the lines a couple times but I guess I kinda connect to it. I walk inside the building to see Kate.

"Okay Brooke. Do you think you can do this?" I nodded my head. She pointed to a door. I'm guessing that's where the audition will be held. I walked in and saw a man. He looked 30 or something.

"You must be Brooke. I'm Brad." I shook the hand he extended out to me. I walked over to where this camera was standing. It looked like it was on record.

"Whenever your ready Brooke." I nodded. I inhaled a deep breath.

"What I don't understand is why you did it in the first place." I said

"I don't know why either. C'mon Mikayla. I love you you know that. Let's just get back together. Stop being in a bitchy mood."

"I'm not in a bitchy mood Nate!"

"Then stop acting like it. If you loved me back then you would be willing to get back together with me." That's when I snapped. All the memories fled back. The bruises. The names. Jonathan. I looked up from the script. Not bothering to read the lines anymore.

"That's where you're wrong! I don't love you! And of you truly loved me you would've never hurt me physically or emotionally. You messed me up! And that's something that can't be forgiven. So go find another girl to screw around with because I'm done." All those words are what I've been bottling up inside me for the past 2 years. I've just been too scared to say them to Jonathan.

I looked at Brad and he just stared at me with an impressed face. To be honest, I'm impressed.

"Good job Brooke. I'll give you a call to let you know what's up." I said my thank you's and walked out the door. Kate came up to me.

"So how do you think you did?" She said hurriedly.

"To be honest? I thought I didn't pretty damn good." I smiled.

"Okay well now we have to head to where we are filming your music video."

"Who's going to be the guy?" I asked. I was pretty excited to find out.

"Sean O'Donell." She said bluntly. I nodded. On the inside I was freaking out. He is a fucking SEX GOD.

We got to the set. It looked like it would be filmed a little bit in the woods because, well, we were sort of in the woods. This lady pushed me into a room. I guess it was where the make up was going to be done. As she was working on it I caught a glimpse of my outfit I would be wearing. It was on the other side of the room. I saw black and green. I swear if I'm going to be a leprechaun I will kill some one. I'm not even fucking Irish.

She finished my Make up and I looked at myself in awe. I had a smokey eye with glitter outlining my eye. I looked at my lips and they were sort of a pale pink color. My cheeks had pink blush on them and my hair was supposed to look like a mess but it looked like a pretty mess (if that makes any sense)

I walked over to my costume. I guess this is supposed to be an enchanted forest theme. Ya know? The woods, glitter on my eyes. The green and black outfit. It was a plain green crop top that went a little above my belly button. With black leggings that went to my knees. They were ripped. The shirt and the leggings. Not a lot but enough to make it seem like I tripped and it got caught on something or whatever. I guess I'm not wearing any shoes.

I walk out of the dressing room and see Sean. He was wearing ripped kakys and a ripped shirt that showed his abs. He was so fucking hott. I guess he saw me staring because he smiled at me. I smiled back.

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